This is categorically wrong - neither Gordon Ross nor Richard Gage are structural engineers. Ross's work has to my knowledge never been submitted for peer review, let alone be exposed to analysis by the structural engineering community. There are many critiques of his work available (here for example - ... ineer.html).A travesty of the truth. There are many qualified structural engineers who dont subscribe to the official conspiracy theory, ask Gordon Ross for starters or Richard Gage and the associates of
But these guys are not experts, they've only spent most of lives designing and studying building design/construction technology with the qualifications to prove that they are competent to make the correct scientific and theoretical judgement!
The undeniable fact is that Bazant and Zhou's analysis, offered for peer review to the engineering community and reprinted since, remains the definitive word on the twin towers collapse from a structural engineering perspective. No formal challenge to their work has ever been presented.
The only 'travesty to the truth' is offered by those who continue to bury their heads in the sand, convinced of a conspiracy theory offered up by internet amateurs and universally rejected by anyone with any real expertise in the field.