I'm happy to consider any criticisms of the debunking community (if such a thing exists), or the community at large.Dogsmilk wrote:Oh come on Alex, we're going round in circles here.
You say you've struck a nerve, but you may as well say the same thing if you'd declared truthers are somehow inherently linked to paedophiles and a couple of people turned up to challenge you. You're behaving rather like a conspiracy theorist.
Crikey, you should know by now what I'm like when it comes to Holocaust denial.
Are there holocaust revisionists/deniers among the ranks of non truthers as a whole?
Yes there are.
Do they hang round with Alex V?
Almost certainly not.
Do non truther assertions and holocaust denial complement each other as beliefs?
I think in certain circumstances they do, depending of course what you believe. Coming from a critic's viewpoint it is impossible not to see certain parallels in the belief systems and logical fallacies employed in both cases. One tends to see the Jew at work everywhere, vastly inflating their power and influence, reconstructing the past into a wildly implausible conspiracy involving thousands of people that extends through the past 60 years. The other tends to see the Holocaust denier everywhere, vastly inflating the power and influence of a very vocal minority, reconstructing the truth movement into a large network of historically ignorant or outright mendacious cranks.
What does this say about 9/11 debunking?
I don't really know. I don't think the political persuasion of its followers makes the case for or against a conspiracy any clearer.
Does it harm the general cause of 911 debunking?
Yes I think it does, because it makes it harder as a truther to consider it a serious movement.
Are you suggesting that a truther would be put off accepting the official theory on 9/11 because of the existence of holocaust deniers somewhere in society? I doubt that would be a serious problem, personally.
If you could find me a debunking website that contains any far-right or debatably anti-semitic content, then I would be surprised. Find me one and I will send you five pounds. For that reason alone, I suspect that the infiltration of the far-right into 9/11 truth debunking is not an issue for debate.
As I'm sure you know, I could find 100 websites that contain what some may perceive as right-wing extremism referring to 9/11 truth. I could do it in 5 minutes with a simple google search. There are probably thousands of such sites.
Yet there is no significant influence of the far-right among the truth movement? I find that a preposterous suggestion, and I suggest that you are in denial about the issue to at least some extent.
Two practical questions.
IF the truth movement were perceived to have a far-right element in it by those looking at it from the outside, would that be a good thing for the truth movement?
IF it's not your responsibility or desire to address or even acknowledge such issues, then whose responsibility is it? Nobody's? What does that mean for the future of the truth movement?