Fri 13 Nov 2015: Paris Attacks kill 130, Brussels lockdown

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Post by scienceplease 2 »

fish5133 wrote:From BBC website
A compelling story about a heroic Muslim security guard stopping a suicide bomber from entering the Stade de France on Friday, saving perhaps hundreds of lives, is making the rounds on social media. But it's not true.
First published in the WSJ. As I pointed earlier, it seemed fishy. Even Snopes says the story is false! What's worse is the suicide bombers - three of them at the stadium (apparently) not managing to kill anyone but themselves (plus one person accidentally). So... we have to believe that there were suicide bombers, arriving late for the game, not getting in and then merely killing themselves? ... 09728.html

This complete timeline is very interesting: ... -in-syria/
How is it that a total of 6 suicide bombers managed to detonate their explosives without killing anyone other than themselves with the single exception of a person who just happened to be walking by and appears to have been killed by accident?

Why did multiple suicide bombers detonate their explosive devices outside a packed stadium rather than make entrance to it so they could target more people? Any people?
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Post by outsider »

Times of Israel Edits Article, Scrubs Out History of Paris Jewish Community Being Warned of Attack: ... of-attack/

Drills on the day, warnings on the day, yet still the 'Sheeple' lap up the 'Official Narratives'.

MSM let the cat out of the bag? No sweat, just change the report.
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Photos of the Paris attacks

Post by insidejob »

Has anyone seen any photos of the Paris attacks that shows the aftermath of one of the terrorist attacks or of anyone at the scene who has been killed. I can't find anything. Why?
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Re: Photos of the Paris attacks

Post by conspiracy analyst »

insidejob wrote:Has anyone seen any photos of the Paris attacks that shows the aftermath of one of the terrorist attacks or of anyone at the scene who has been killed. I can't find anything. Why?
Every music event usually has tens of people taking videos or pictures with their smartphones.
This one so far there are none.

Maybe none of the audience had phones or all their batterries were dead.

A video of the shootings in a pizza restaurant were shown whereby the alleged terrorist gun freezes and he isnt able to shoot two people.

So far then we have seen no shootings. But it must have happened the corporate media say so. They never lie :D
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Post by fish5133 »

Don't think I would stand around to film if I believed bullets were flying. (not that I have a smart phone).

Seen some footage just as the shooting started at Bataclan and a few bodies covered over in the street outside restaurant.

Also footage of armed police running away when shooting starts (one brave or foolhardy cop stands his ground--looks behind him and wonders where all his mates have gone).
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Post by conspiracy analyst »

Not much here.
Hundreds of revellers this is it.

Still looks fake.
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2015-12-01- London – KT: Terror Strikes Paris - from where?

Post by IanFantom »

Keep Talking meeting: Tuesday 1 December 2015

As the British government prepares to introduce ever more repressive legislation - and the Counter-Extremism Bill will enable it to close down the 9/11 Truth movement - and exploits the Paris attacks to make a case for the bombing of Syria, and the French nation is in a state of emergency, we announce a very topical meeting in the heart of London:

Topic: Terror Strikes Paris - from where?
Speaker: David Shayler and Nick Kollerstrom
Date: Tuesday 1 December 2015
Times: 19:00 for 19:30 till 21:30 (room booked till 22:00)

The template of State-Fabricated Terror is being displayed yet again, as news emerges of this event. The French people are being given horrible new Reasons for War, with no time to reflect upon the crime. That same night, they were told who did it. Instantly, another Syrian town gets bombed - which makes about as much sense as blaming 9/11 on an old man with a laptop in the Tora Bora mountains of Afghanistan.

David Shayler is a former employee of MI5, who blew the whistle on some of the illegal and antisocial operations of the secret services. Nick Kollerstrom is a Science Historian, and author of 'Terror on the Tube: Behind the Veil of 7/7: An Investigation'. He has written two blogs on the Paris attacks on his website ( Others in the Keep Talking group have been trying to piece together the real story, and we can look forward to their contributions, too, during the course of the evening.

In the meantime, you may be interested in what Vladimir Putin has told US journalists on who ISIS actually is (

Entry: £4

Location: The Pimlico Room, St Saviour's Church, St George's Square, Lupus Street, London, SW1V 3QW ( There's a good pub (The Gallery) half way between Pimlico Underground Station and the Pimlico Room, for those who want to meet up beforehand or after the meeting. They serve food after 5pm.

The Pimlico Room is a 2 mins walk west of Pimlico Underground Station (Victoria Line, one stop from Victoria Underground, southbound), and 8 mins walk from Victoria Bus Station. The Pimlico Room is the building to the left of the church (if you're facing the church), running along the main road (Lupus Street). It's not the church hall, which is on the other side.


Buses: ... eet-a4.pdf

The room is outside the congestion zone, and I understand that street parking is free on single yellow lines after 6pm. The room is fully 'disabled accessible', and a tea / coffee point is also available - and so will a collection box :-)

If there are any problems on the night, please ring my mobile.

Best wishes and keep talking,


Landline: 01422 352153
Mobile: 07530 142609 (for older newsletters - but I'm now in West Yorkshire!)

Keep Talking runs an email discussion group on Google, '911KeepTalking'. If you would like to join, please send me an email.
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More details of Friday morning training exercise

Post by Shoestring »

An article in The Guardian has some new information about the training exercise that took place a few hours before the Paris attacks.

The article states: "In an eerie coincidence, last Friday morning Paris’s ambulance, fire services and hospitals had rehearsed a scenario based on a Charlie Hebdo-style attack, with more than 100 casualties from shooting. Hours later this scenario happened for real."

Pierre Carli, medical director at the Pitié salpêtrière hospital, said: "We identified after Charlie Hebdo that if we have to take victims we will have to take large numbers, in different places, at the same time. We’ve been working on this hypothesis since the summer ... We did a rehearsal on Friday morning. As we know now we were close to reality."

Full article: ... ery-of-war
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Post by TonyGosling »

My effort yesterday on Talk Radio Europe ... gnov15.mp3

Martin Summers, Scott Bennett & I discuss Paris and whether French Intelligence are serious about stopping funds to ISIS

Excellent summary of the suspicious Gladio sub-agenda from World Socialist Web Site

UK government outlines plans for expanding militarism and repression after Paris attacks
By Julie Hyland 18 November 2015 ... e-n18.html

Prime Minister David Cameron has announced a massive increase in Britain’s military/intelligence apparatus following last week’s terror attacks in Paris.
Cameron’s proposals were outlined in a speech to the annual Lord Mayor’s banquet Monday evening. In it he spelt out that the carnage in the French capital—which ultimately has its roots in imperialist wars and violence in the Middle East—is to be used by the bourgeoisie to strengthen repression, overseas and at home.
Cameron prefaced his remarks on the “terrorist threat” by insisting that his government would continue with its austerity measures that have slashed wages and increased levels of poverty and homelessness. It was only because of the draconian cuts government had made that the UK was able to “maintain the second best funded armed forces in all of NATO,” he boasted, and to continue spending 2 percent of GDP on defence, under conditions “where resources are tight.”
By seeing “through our Long-Term Economic Plan” and taking the “difficult decisions to deal with our deficit,” he continued, there would be “more money every year” to “invest in hard military power.”
Immediately, Cameron announced a further £2 billion for the current military budget. This is to fund a doubling in the UK fleet of drones to 20, and to provide for new weapons and equipment, including fighter aircraft. This was necessary in order to “ increase the capabilities of our brilliant special forces,” Cameron said.
In addition to expanding the capabilities of the Special Air Service (SAS) and other covert military units, the new funds will pay for an extra 1,900 new security and military intelligence personnel.
Spending on aviation security is also to be doubled, the prime minister said, along with a pledge to “maintain our continuous at-sea nuclear deterrent”—a reference to the UK’s Trident nuclear system which is due for renewal at the cost of £80 billion.
These are to feature in the five-year defence and security review to be published next week. Central to this review are plans for a “new generation of cyber defences to block and disrupt attacks before they can harm our United Kingdom,” Cameron said.
This was the objective of the draft bill just published by his government, he continued, to “ensure that GCHQ [Government Communications Headquarters], MI5 and our counterterrorism police continue to have the powers to follow terrorist movements by tracking their online communications to intercept those communications under a warrant and to obtain data from computers used by terrorists and paedophiles.”
His reference to the draft bill underscores just how cynical the bourgeoisie in Britain and across Europe are in exploiting the Paris tragedy for their own nefarious and long-planned ends.
On November 4, Home Secretary Theresa May placed before parliament the government’s proposed Investigatory Powers Bill. This set out plans to legalise the massive illegal spying network exposed by whistle-blower Edward Snowden, by compelling Internet service providers to store the browsing history of every UK citizen for 12 months and to empower the state to legally hack any person’s electronic communications devices.
The measures had originally been brought forward under a different bill, dubbed the “Snoopers Charter”, from which the government was forced to retreat due to its implications for civil liberties. The new bill, however, is even more draconian. The intention was to enact the new measures by the end of 2016, but Cameron suggested he would now try to bring this timetable forward.
On Tuesday morning, Chancellor George Osborne used the backdrop of GCHQ to announce the establishment of a new National Cyber Centre at the spying facility. Osborne said that Islamic State “are already using the Internet for hideous propaganda purposes; for radicalisation, for operational planning too,” he said.
While as yet ISIS had not been able to use “cyber warfare to kill people by attacking infrastructure,” they are “doing their best to build it,” he went on—announcing that funding against “cybercrime” is to be doubled to almost £2 billion a year by 2020.
All this is intended to portray ISIS as an existential threat to the British nation, akin to that of Nazi Germany. Cameron compared his government’s “resolve” to defeat Islamic extremism with Winston Churchill’s insistence that the “British nation would never enter into negotiations with Hitler.”
The aim was to protect British “values”, he went on, evoking the Magna Carta that enshrined “in this land the principles of liberty, justice and the rule of law.” His puerile and facile demagogy is aimed at legitimising the overthrow of the very principles he claims to be upholding.
Cameron defended the targeted assassination of British citizens Junaid Hussain, Reyaad Khan and, on Thursday, Mohammed Emwazi (aka Jihadi John). Rubbishing the minimal protestation by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn that Emwazi should have been “held to account in a court of law,” he asserted, “You do not protect people by sitting around and wishing for another world.”
“We have to be realistic and hard-headed about the threats we face,” he went on.
The assassination of Emwazi and others was the outcome of the fact that there is “no government we can work with in Syria,” no “rigorous police investigations or independent courts” in the country, and no UK military “on the ground to detain those preparing plots.”
Naturally, Cameron’s “realism” did not address how the state of affairs he described had arisen in Syria, out of the machinations of the imperialist powers to overthrow Bashar al-Assad utilising Islamist “resistance fighters” as their proxies.
Instead, he was reduced to a tautology. The growth of Islamic extremism was not the consequence of “wronged Muslims getting revenge on their Western wrongdoers,” he said, or “because of the Iraq war.” It was the result of the “poisonous ideology of extremism itself”!
This ideology had to be confronted “with our own liberal values,” he went on. But if anyone—without even the presentation of charges—can be murdered on the prime minister’s say so, what remains of “liberal values”, much less “justice, and the rule of law?” Who else can be placed on the hit list as a threat to “national security”?
As the World Socialist Web Site has explained previously, there is no wall separating the actions of the bourgeoisie overseas and what they will do at home. That is why Cameron dismissed anyone who criticised his plans to extend the already considerable surveillance powers of the state apparatus. This was not an “infringement of civil rights,” he said, but was “about protecting those liberties from terrorists who want to take them away”!
The fact that plans for domestic repression comprised such a significant part of Cameron’s Guildhall speech must serve as a warning. Next week Osborne will set out a spending review that will enforce a cumulative cut in day-to-day government spending by an average of 24 percent in the next three years—almost half, and more, in some departments since 2010.
The massive expansion of the police/military apparatus is directly bound up with the deliberate and on-going gutting of health, education and essential social provision. The bourgeoisie knows that its agenda of never-ending austerity at home and perpetual war abroad cannot be enforced peacefully, but only through dictatorial means.
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Post by scienceplease 2 »

conspiracy analyst wrote:Not much here.
Hundreds of revellers this is it.

Still looks fake.
Just this one video?! Yes, it does look fake. Their conviently titled "Save a Prayer for me now" track, btw, (which was being hyped as a Christmas Single after the attack) was dated September 2015; it's a rubbish cover and unlikely choice for a Death Metal band unless they were planning on mocking the new romantic movement.


Serena Shim - TV reporter exposed links of Turkey and UN providing logistical support to ISIS... murdered! Wikipedia provides the basics... ... -ties.html
If this was an ISIS propaganda video, the American government would be exploiting it to the hilt in every mainstream media outlet across the country … but when a Western ally kills an American journalist for uncovering ties between that ally and ISIS… crickets.

Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change reminds us it has been a year and we still don’t know what happened to journalist for Press TV, Serena Shim, apparently murdered for exposing the Turkish government’s assistance of ISIS. The US government, hilariously, has stood silent and done nothing, actually pretending it does not investigate the murder of American citizens abroad (at least, not unless they are pretend murdered in front of a green screen with a Mossad agent dressed as an ISIS member reading off of a script. Guess the case is already solved at that point, huh?).

Interesting how that just keeps happening in Turkey. Last month, a former BBC reporter named Jacky Sutton, acting Iraq director for Clerkenwell-based War and Peace Reporting, was suddenly found hanged in a bathroom at the Istanbul airport. Because, you know, when you’re going to kill yourself, you do it by hanging yourself in the bathroom at an Istanbul airport…
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

Strategy Of Tension really ramping up
Yes ISIS threatens to attack but who, exactly, controls ISIS?

Daesh to attack France, US and other locations on Sunday: Anonymous
Read: ... k-report--

Meanwhile Brussels in lockdown - not quite a curfew... ... to-maximum

Shoestring wrote:An article in The Guardian has some new information about the training exercise that took place a few hours before the Paris attacks.

The article states: "In an eerie coincidence, last Friday morning Paris’s ambulance, fire services and hospitals had rehearsed a scenario based on a Charlie Hebdo-style attack, with more than 100 casualties from shooting. Hours later this scenario happened for real."

Pierre Carli, medical director at the Pitié salpêtrière hospital, said: "We identified after Charlie Hebdo that if we have to take victims we will have to take large numbers, in different places, at the same time. We’ve been working on this hypothesis since the summer ... We did a rehearsal on Friday morning. As we know now we were close to reality."

Full article: ... ery-of-war
Let's think about this. Back in World War Two Adolf Hitler was conned via MI6 and Alaistair Crowley's networks via 'astrologers' that certain days would be good or bad for Germany.
For example Hitler would launch an offensive on a 'good' day and brace for an attack on a 'bad'. All the time the Allies were getting him to trust their guidance via Crowley's agents close to the Nazi hierarchy who used 'astrology' to cover secret links to knowledge of allied actions.

Isn't what's going on here a modern version of that with private security firms & intelligence services ... both planning attacks on Europe & the US while telling senior officials of 'good' days to run exercises 'just in case' there's an attack therefore locking themselves in for the next trance of government (our taxpayers) money?
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Re: Photos of the Paris attacks

Post by redadare »

insidejob wrote:Has anyone seen any photos of the Paris attacks that shows the aftermath of one of the terrorist attacks or of anyone at the scene who has been killed. I can't find anything. Why?
Jim Stone has a picture inside the Bataclan theatre. Unfortunately, he is not know for referencing sources, but he is usually spot on on his analysis.

Lots of "dead bodies", lots of "blood" and no sign of police, medics, or other rescue workers. Blood on floor is clearly sus. ... hisc9.html
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Post by TonyGosling »

Representatives of the Jewish community warned of Paris attack (Times of Israel) VOLTAIRE NETWORK | 19 NOVEMBER 2015

The French Republic taken hostage
by Thierry Meyssan
The war which has now spread to Paris is incomprehensible for those French citizens who are ignorant of practically all the secret activities of their government in the Arab world, of its unnatural alliances with the Gulf dictators, and its active participation in international terrorism. These policies have never been discussed in Parliament, and the major media have rarely dared to take an interest in them.

“THE ART OF WAR” The strategy of chaos by Manlio Dinucci

Flags fly at half-mast in NATO countries for "France’s 9/11," while President Obama announces to the media: "We will provide you accurate information about who is responsible."

They needn’t wait. It is already clear.

The umpteenth massacre of innocents was caused by the series of geopolitical cluster bombs, detonated according to a precise strategy.

It has been put into play since the U.S. won the confrontation with the Soviet Union and appointed itself "the only state with truly global strength, reach and influence in every dimension — political, economic and military" proposing to "deter those powers that might seek regional dominance - Western Europe, East Asia, the former Soviet Union and Southwest Asia - whose resources would be sufficient to generate global power."

To this end the U.S. has refocused its strategy since 1991 and, in agreement with the European powers, that of NATO. Since then they have disintegrated or demolished by war (open and covert), one after another, the states considered an obstacle to the plan of global domination; these include Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and others - while still others (including Iran) are being targeted.

These wars, which have claimed millions of victims, have disrupted whole societies, creating a huge mass of desperate people, whose frustration and rebellion lead on the one hand to a real resistance, but on the other hand are being exploited by the CIA and other intelligence services (including French ones) to ensnare fighters in a "jihad," which in fact suits the strategy of U.S./NATO. This led to the formation of a shadow army, made up of (often competing) Islamic groups used to undermine the Libyan state from within while NATO attacked it, and then for a similar operation in Syria and Iraq. From all this ISIS was born, in which "foreign fighters" came together with agents of the secret services, and which has received billions of dollars and modern weapons from Saudi Arabia and other Arab monarchies, allied with the U.S. and particularly with France.

This strategy is nothing new: some 35 years ago, to bring down the Soviet Union in the "Afghan trap," tens of thousands of mujahadin were recruited by the CIA from over 40 countries. Among them was the rich Saudi citizen named Osama bin Laden, who arrived in Afghanistan with 4,000 men, the same person who after he founded Al Qaeda turned into "enemy number one" of the United States.

Washington is no sorcerer’s apprentice, unable to control the forces it set in motion. It is the driving force of a strategy that destroys entire states, causing a chaotic chain reaction of division and conflict to be used according to the old method of "divide and rule."

The terrorist attack in Paris, performed by an unskilled laborer convinced to strike a blow against the hated West, occurred with perfect timing just as Russia, intervening militarily, had blocked the U.S./ NATO plan to destroy the Syrian state and announced military countermeasures to the growing expansion of NATO to the East.

The terrorist attack, by creating a climate of siege in Europe, "justifies" an accelerated military buildup of the NATO European countries, which includes increasing their defense spending as requested by the U.S., and opens the way for other wars under U.S. command. France, which so far "had been bombing inside Syria only sparingly" against Isis, as the New York Times writes, "bombed the Syrian city of Raqqa on Sunday night [Nov. 15], its most aggressive strike against the Islamic State group” hitting targets described by the United States. Among these, U.S. officials specify, are "some clinics and a museum."
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Post by scienceplease 2 »

TonyGosling wrote: The French Republic taken hostage
by Thierry Meyssan
The war which has now spread to Paris is incomprehensible for those French citizens who are ignorant of practically all the secret activities of their government in the Arab world, of its unnatural alliances with the Gulf dictators, and its active participation in international terrorism. These policies have never been discussed in Parliament, and the major media have rarely dared to take an interest in them.
Whoa. This is big news... the whole Paris 13th Nov False Flag is falling apart quicker than 9/11!

In the meantime, the TPTB have given up with Crisis Actors and have used real actors. Real actors with facebook pages and video all over the net. It's like they don't really care any more... :roll: I assume that "speed" is more important to them than "secrecy", after all TPTB will be blocking any of the websites that want to discuss the truth. Maybe social media is faster than government action... ... rsonality/

Paris France “Terrorist Attack” Hoax – Crisis Actress Ginnie Watson – Fake Crying And Real Smiling

In the meantime, 22/11/15, facebook page for "Jeremy Corbyn for PM" with 93,000 followers posted this article from the guardian ... syria-iraq
Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq
Seumas Milne

The sectarian terror group won’t be defeated by the western states that incubated it in the first place
Wednesday 3 June 2015 20.56 BST
Last modified on Sunday 15 November 2015 13.02 GMT
After the billion dollar arms deal between US and Saudi Arabia, Saudi links to ISIS, US support for ISIS, ISIS supposed attack on Paris, how can anyone justify the West's bombing of Syria to this manufactured crisis?
Last edited by scienceplease 2 on Sun Nov 22, 2015 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TonyGosling »

More info from a certain French-Canadian about foreknowledge in 'Paris Match' etc etc...
The Paris Terrorist Attacks, “9/11 French-Style”, “Le 11 septembre à la française”
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, November 14, 2015 ... se/5488896
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Post by TonyGosling »

Fox News Planted Fake Story Establishing ISIS Guilt Within Moments of Paris Attacks
Posted by Brandon Martinez on November 21, 2015 in France, Middle East, News & Analysis, World | | 7 Responses
by Brandon Martinez

Remember those early reports from the Paris attack coverage which claimed that a terrorist ‘suspect’ had been arrested at the Bataclan theater and told police “I am from ISIS”? The story spread like wildfire on neocon and kosher conservative blogs, Jihad Watch, Breitbart and Infowars chief among them, but originated from a Fox News live report which was a bit more detailed, stating:

“There is one man who has been arrested in Paris tonight. Arrested by French authorities who told French authorities ‘I am from ISIS.’ I now have further information: that suspect has just told French police within the last hour or so, ‘I am Syrian, I was here with two others, we were recruited by ISIS and this is … an ISIS mission.’ [The man] was quoted from inside the [Bataclan] theater saying, ‘This is for Syria. Allahu Akbar.’” ... s-attacks/
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

Going Underground special: John Pilger on Paris, ISIS & Media Propaganda
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Re: More details of Friday morning training exercise

Post by scienceplease 2 »

Shoestring wrote:An article in The Guardian has some new information about the training exercise that took place a few hours before the Paris attacks.

The article states: "In an eerie coincidence, last Friday morning Paris’s ambulance, fire services and hospitals had rehearsed a scenario based on a Charlie Hebdo-style attack, with more than 100 casualties from shooting. Hours later this scenario happened for real."

Pierre Carli, medical director at the Pitié salpêtrière hospital, said: "We identified after Charlie Hebdo that if we have to take victims we will have to take large numbers, in different places, at the same time. We’ve been working on this hypothesis since the summer ... We did a rehearsal on Friday morning. As we know now we were close to reality."

Full article: ... ery-of-war
Here's a video here describing some of the exercises being conducted before the evening... er... "events".


So what are the main facts that Nov 13th was a false flag"
- Exercises before the attack, shows pre-knowledge
- Fake video of the woman hanging outside
- Three suicide bombers late for the football event and kill only themselves (plus one bystander)
- Fake news stories
- Crisis actors
- Fake passport

Anything else?
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More info on pre-attacks drill

Post by Shoestring »

Here is some additional interesting information about the emergency drill held in Paris on the morning of Friday 13th:

Canada's Globe and Mail reported: "In a strange coincidence, earlier on that day [of Friday 13], Paris-area hospitals had participated in an exercise that tests their readiness for emergencies. The drill, which takes place every several months, involves a particular scenario. The one for that day: a mass shooting at 13 different locations. For four hours, they tested their systems--where to send the ambulances, how to distribute victims. That night, the plan became a reality." (Source: ... e27446859/ )

Vox reported: "Paris's public hospital system had been bracing for a terrorist attack since January, when gunmen massacred the staff at the Paris-based political satire journal Charlie Hebdo. The Paris doctors said they'd developed a plan for how to respond to an influx of gunshot victims and, in an eerie coincidence, had been simulating that response on the morning of the November 13 attacks. 'In the evening, when the same doctors were confronted with this situation in reality, some of them believed it was another simulation exercise,' they wrote." (Source: ... et-doctors )

And the Washington Post reported:
On the Friday of the Paris terrorist attacks, Yonathan Freund was taking a 10-minute coffee break in his office above the emergency room when a call came in.

Freund picked up the phone.

The hospital had been contacted by SAMU, the French emergency medical services, a nurse told him. Mass shootings had occurred at several sites across the city, and things didn’t look good: As many as 200 people had been hurt, many of them gravely. How many patients could Freund, an attending physician in the emergency room of Pitié-Salpêtrière, a major Parisian teaching hospital, accommodate?

Freund blew the caller off.

“Okay, Okay,” he remembered saying, a little impatiently. “Thank you very much, but I’ve got work to do. Goodbye.”

As Freund suspected, the call was part of a drill--one of the exercises that have become more common over the past two years as the threat of terrorism has increased--and Freund was having a busy day. He hung up, finished his coffee and went back downstairs to the ER, where patients with pressing problems such as chest pains and sprained ankles were awaiting his care.

Less than 12 hours later, on a relatively quiet Friday evening in the ER, Freund’s colleague David Pariente received a similar call. The SAMU was reporting mass shootings and suicide bombings at several sites. Only this time it was real.

(Source: ... story.html )
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

Decoding the Paris Attacks: ISIS Blowback or French-Israeli False Flag?

By Brandon Martinez ... alse-flag/

Much evidence has come to light that has punctured a litany of holes in the official narrative of the Friday the 13th terror attacks in Paris, which allegedly claimed the lives of 130 civilians.

Mainstream reportage surrounding the event has stimulated a number of intriguing questions about the nature of this operation and how it could have been planned, organized and executed without the knowledge of French and other Western intelligence agencies who, as we know, have constructed a vast and extreme surveillance apparatus over the past 15 years.

Shortly following the Charlie Hebdo attacks in January, the French regime implemented a despotic anti-terror bill that gave authorities virtually unlimited surveillance powers. Yet, despite this amplified power to spy on just about anybody, the French authorities “dropped the ball” once again, failing to stop a highly sophisticated, multi-faceted attack that would have required so much logistical expertise and know-how that it is palpably unfeasible such a plot could succeed without the help of insiders within the French state (and possibly other states).

Alleged Terrorists “Known to Authorities”

As has been the case with all of the staged ISIS attacks over the past year and a half – attacks that only started happening after the West launched its counterfeit “anti-ISIS” bombing campaign in August 2014 – many of the individuals accused of the newest wave of terror in Paris had been well-known to and were being monitored by authorities for years.

Samy Amimour, an alleged gunman at the Bataclan theatre, had been placed on a terror watch list in 2012 after attempting to travel to Yemen, as reported by the Guardian, the Telegraph, Yahoo News and other mainstream sources. The International Business Times, in its article “Paris attacks: Bataclan suicide bomber Samy Amimour previously charged with terror offences,” noted Amimour “had been placed under investigation in 2012 for terrorism conspiracy and under judicial supervision,” after which authorities sought his capture by issuing an international arrest warrant. He is said to have disappeared in 2013, joining the ISIS insurgency in Syria.

Amimour’s back-story mirrors that of the Charlie Hebdo terrorist patsies Cherif and Said Kouachi, both of whom had been tracked by French intelligence for nearly a decade after one of the brothers allegedly tried to join al-Qaeda militants in Iraq in 2005 and was convicted by a French court for it. Despite being on terror watch lists and the intelligence services trailing them for years, the Kouachi brothers managed to sneak in and out of France, travel to the Middle East to link up with militants, and then make their way back into France without being intercepted by authorities. Most conspicuously, surveillance was pulled off the brothers six months before the Hebdo attack, giving them a perfect window of opportunity to plan and organize the January assault on the satirical magazine’s offices. So either the stars just happened to line up for the Kouachis, or they were protected assets of French intelligence. I’ll leave it up to the reader to decide which is more likely.

Even the Telegraph feigned bewilderment about how French intelligence managed to overlook Amimour’s re-entry into France, writing: “The revelations [about Amimour being known to authorities for years] raise questions as to whether French police were aware Amimour had re-entered the country, and if so whether they had placed him under close supervision in the run up to Friday’s deadly attacks.”

There are also plenty of anomalies surrounding the alleged ringleader of the Paris attackers, Belgium-born Abdelhamid Abaaoud. A Telegraph update asked the prudent question, “How did Europe’s ‘most wanted terrorist’ slip into France from Syria unnoticed?” “French and Belgian security services are facing difficult questions as to how one of Europe’s most wanted terrorists was able to slip back into the country from Syria and mastermind the Paris attacks from a flat in the city,” the report added, further questioning the “ease with which Abaaoud appears to have been able to travel unnoticed back through Europe.”

And that is the million-dollar question. How did a high-profile member of ISIS penetrate Europe without security services nabbing him upon entry? Especially in an Orwellian surveillance state like France where the government can track communications without a warrant.

Other questions about Abaaoud linger. Growing up in Brussels, Abaaoud had a history of petty crime and run-ins with the law, including several convictions. So he was known to police. We are told he traveled to Syria and joined ISIS some time in 2013. In February of 2014, he is said to have recruited his younger brother, only 13-years-old at the time, into ISIS. That incident made headlines in Belgium, and Abaaoud is said to have become “a household name in his native country” by this time. The Wall Street Journal reported that Western countries even tracked him while in Syria and sought to assassinate him in an airstrike.

Then, we are told, the now-infamous jihadi “slips back into” Belgium and plots an attack on a police station in the city of Verviers with two accomplices. In January 2015, the CBC tells us, “the ring is broken up in a raid that leads to the deaths of two of Abaaoud’s suspected accomplices.” But Abaaoud miraculously manages to escape and “then somehow made his way back to Syria.” That “somehow” is never explained. There is no possible way Abaaoud could have taken a regular flight in or out of the country, so how did he do it? In July 2015 Abaaoud is sentenced in absentia by a Belgian court to 20 years imprisonment for all of this chicanery.

In an article on the Vocativ website entitled, “Paris Attacks Mastermind Brags About Escaping ‘Crusader Intelligence’,” we learn that the now-deceased Abaaoud was heavily featured in ISIS propaganda, giving an extensive interview published in the February 2015 issue of ISIS’s “magazine” Dabiq, in which he boasts of coordinating previous unsuccessful attacks in Europe and of evading authorities. Vocativ reports that Abaaoud “detailed his attempted attack in the Belgian town of Verviers that resulted in the deaths of two militants in January” and bragged of escaping back to Syria after the failed operation “despite being chased by intelligence agencies.” Abaaoud specifically said: “My name and picture were all over the news yet I was able to stay in their homeland, plan operations against them, and leave safely when doing so became necessary.”

The farcicality of this storyline should already be apparent to the reader, but it gets even more ridiculous. “I was even stopped by an officer who contemplated me so as to compare me to the picture, but he let me go, as he did not see the resemblance!” Abaaoud proclaimed in the Dabiq interview, describing his “luck” as “a gift from Allah.” So Abaaoud, a “household name” in Belgium, was right within the clutches of the police, but a moronic Belgian cop somehow failed to recognize him with his picture in hand.

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can deduce that Abaaoud is not simply “lucky”; he is not merely “blessed”; he is most likely a protected asset of NATO, which explains why he was able to slip in and out of Europe undetected like a poltergeist without being nabbed by authorities. And even when he was stopped by police, he was mysteriously let go – not due to incompetence, as the spooks would have us believe, but deliberate connivance.

Another one of the presumed Paris attackers, Ismael Omar Mostefai (a French citizen), was known to authorities as a potential danger. The Huffington Post, in its report titled “Turkey Says It Warned France Twice About Paris Attacker,” details how Turkey twice warned France about Mostefai, once in December 2014 and again in June 2015, saying that they came across him during a terror-related investigation on their own soil. “Turkey shared information on Mostefaï with France, but didn’t hear anything back – until after Friday’s events,” the report states.

French police identified Mostefai, allegedly, “by a fingerprint, pulled from a severed finger, found in the carnage of body parts in the concert hall.” This story harkens back to 9/11, where authorities claim to have found the DNA of the “hijackers” at the Pentagon and Shanksville crash sites, despite the nearly complete absence of plane debris at either scene. Authorities, needing to explain how they so quickly identify their patsies, usually resort to these farfetched claims about fingerprints and DNA recovery, obviously not concerned with how silly such claims sound to intelligent people. Why is nobody asking the question, how does a fingerprint prove that Mostefai was a shooter and not a victim at Bataclan? The fingerprint alone (if that claim is even true, it may be a lie for all we know) may prove he was there but not that he was a perpetrator. Other evidence is required to establish guilt in this respect, but it doesn’t seem to be forthcoming, as witnesses have yet to positively identify Mostefai as a shooter.

A CNN profile on Mostefai revealed that he “had been known to authorities as a possible threat” for some time, according to a French prosecutor. The prosecutor, Francois Molins, also disclosed that Mostefai “had an ‘S’ file on him for years, which means investigators believe he had been ‘radicalized’ in some way, though it was not clear whether he would act on his radicalization.”

It is not yet proven that he was even a legitimate member of ISIS or traveled to Syria to engage in combat with the group. The Daily Mail tells us that investigators “are now looking into claims that Mostefai spent several months in Syria in late 2013 and early 2014.” But, so far, no confirmation. The Mail article also says that “it is thought” he had been radicalized by a hate preacher at a mosque in the French city of Luce. Such speculation is not proof either. The Mail quotes officials at the mosque he was supposedly “radicalized” at who deny he even went there, telling reporters they “had no knowledge of Mostefai, and that neither he nor his family were members or attended.” They also told media that, “We expel people who do not respect our rules or behave strangely, and we report them to the authorities.”

All of Mostefai’s friends, family and neighbours were “stunned” that he would have participated in the attack and say he showed no signs of being radical. So there is so far no evidence that Mostefai physically joined ISIS in Syria, and the only proof he was a radical is an unsubstantiated claim by Jean-Pierre Gorges, the mayor of the French city of Chartres, who could easily be lying to implicate Mostefai.

It’s entirely plausible that Mostefai was a total patsy, framed and set-up by authorities, and had nothing to do with this attack. It’s also possible that he was involved in some way, likely as a dupe but possibly on his own volition. In any case, the “fingerprint from a severed finger” claim, as well as bare innuendo from a French politician that Mostefai was “radicalized” at a mosque whose leaders say he never attended, does not make for a very convincing case.

More anomalies deserve exploration. A story from the Associated Press titled “‘I have no explanation’: Key suspect in Paris theatre attack was questioned – then released by police” points out a severe oddity that has yet to be explained. The article states that “[h]ours after the synchronized attacks that terrorized Paris, French police questioned and released the suspect who is now the focus of an international manhunt.” The suspect in question, Salah Abdeslam, was said to be “one of three men in a getaway car, headed for France’s border with Belgium, when police pulled them over after daybreak Saturday.” The article continues:

“The French president had already announced new border controls to prevent the perpetrators from escaping. Hours had passed since investigators identified Abdelslam as the renter of a Volkswagen Polo that carried hostage-takers to the Paris theatre where almost three-quarters of the 129 victims were killed. It’s not clear why the local French police, known as gendarmes, didn’t take Abdeslam into custody. They checked his identification, but it’s not known whether they had been informed of his apparent connection to the attacks.”

When asked why police didn’t arrest Abdeslam, who, as noted above, had been named as a suspect hours before he was pulled over, a French police official said: “I have no explanation.”

Now the storyline emerging contends that Abdeslam “chickened out” of martyrdom and tossed his suicide vest in a dumpster on the outskirts of Paris. Sky News, in its article titled “Suspected Suicide Belt Found In Paris Dustbin,” writes:

“Abdeslam is suspected of playing at least a logistical role in the coordinated shooting and suicide bombings on 13 November and police say phone location data places him in Montrouge that evening. It comes as the 26-year-old fugitive’s brother Mohamed suggested Abdeslam may have decided not to go ahead with the attack at the last moment. Another theory suggested by police is that Abdeslam, if he was involved in the attacks, may have had a technical problem with his belt.”

Another plausible theory is that Abdeslam is an intelligence asset, which would explain why police failed to arrest him after being stopped, since he’s a protected agent whose job was to facilitate the Bataclan attack and then escape. It’s also likely that he has been double-crossed by his intelligence handlers who are now pretending he was actually an ISIS operative and not working for them. The story that Abdeslam discarded his suicide vest in a dumpster sounds ludicrous, one of those too good to be true Hollywood moments. It may well be made up by authorities. Why throw it in a public dumpster instead of someplace hidden? And how did police locate it so quickly? Did they go around rummaging through waste bins in the suburbs of Paris? What did they expect to find in random waste bins? Sounds contrived.

There is a slim chance that they’ll bring Abdeslam in alive. After all, dead men tell no tales.

Prior Warnings

French authorities cannot claim the attacks took them by surprise because the Iraqi government sent them a warning one day before the deadly incidents. The Associated Press report cited earlier explains:

“The day before the attacks, senior Iraqi intelligence officials warned France and other members of the U.S.-led coalition fighting the Islamic State that assaults by the militant group could be imminent, according to a dispatch obtained by the AP. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the group’s leader, had ordered supporters to use guns and bombs and take hostages in the days ahead in coalition countries as well as Iran and Russia, Thursday’s dispatch said.”

The French downplayed the Iraqi warning by claiming it “wasn’t specific” and that they receive similar cautions “all the time.” But Iraqi officials later clarified that “they also shared specific details with French authorities before the attack — including the size of a sleeper cell of militants they said was directing attackers sent back to France from Islamic State’s de-facto capital in Raqqa, Syria.”

There are other examples of forewarning. Back in September of 2015, France24 reported that French authorities had arrested a French jihadist in August who told them that he was sent on a mission by ISIS to attack concerts in France. France24’s report on the incident, titled “Arrested French jihadist ‘instructed’ to attack concert,” tells us:

“A French national suspected of planning a terrorist attack in France after returning from the Islamic State group’s Syrian stronghold of Raqqa was arrested last month, officials said Friday. The man admitted to police that he had been instructed to carry out an attack on French soil – “preferably” during a concert – but has denied that he had any intention of following through with the plan, according to a judicial source.”

So French authorities had known since September that ISIS was sending operatives into France to attack specifically concerts. The French also had a fairly unambiguous and direct warning of an imminent attack provided by the Iraqis; they had received multiple cautions about at least one of the individuals purportedly involved, and had been monitoring several others. In fact, as the Independent is now reporting, “Belgian authorities allegedly had a list of suspected jihadists including the ‘mastermind’ of the Paris attacks and the two brothers who carried them out – a month before the massacre took place.” The list contained “names and addresses of more than 80 people believed to be Islamist militants,” including the Abdeslam brothers (Salah and Ibrahim) and Abdelhamid Abaaoud (the ‘mastermind’). Yet, nothing was done to preemptively thwart these individuals.

Following the Charlie Hebdo attack in January, France essentially declared martial law, dispatching tens of thousands of troops in the streets. Then the government passed an Orwellian surveillance bill that not only gave authorities unlimited powers to wiretap phone communications and snoop on Internet traffic of ordinary citizens, but even the ability to “bug suspects’ homes with microphones and cameras and add keyloggers to their computers to track every keystroke.”

In spite of all of these forewarnings, in conjunction with their unprecedented surveillance prowess, the French government had “no idea” about what was to come on Friday the 13th?

Do they take us all for fools?

Pot-Smoking “Jihadis”

Reminiscent of the 9/11 hijacker patsies, several of the alleged attackers in Paris don’t seem to have been bona fide Islamic fundamentalists or extremists.

Ibrahim Abdeslam, who authorities say blew himself up outside a Paris café, reportedly “smoked cannabis every day while he stayed at home listening to Arabic hip hop and claiming unemployment benefits,” according to his former wife Naima.

The ex-wife told the Daily Mail that Abdeslam smoked obscene amounts of pot (“three or four joints a day”) and “never went to mosque or prayed.”

Naima also claimed her ex-husband was not the least bit interested in politics or current affairs and “never watched the news because they did not have a TV.” She further suggested that he “had no gripe with the West.”

Ibrahim and his younger brother Salah, also accused of involvement in the attacks, ran a dodgy bar in Molenbeek, Belgium, where they lived, but it was recently “closed down after [their] drug-dealing ways came to the attention of police,” reports the Mail.

So the two brothers were petty criminals and drug addicts, but somehow transformed into diehard ‘jihadis’ seeking martyrdom in an unrealistically short time frame.

The Mail article claims that Belgian authorities placed Ibrahim on a “terror watch list” at some point, which was confirmed by a report (cited earlier) in the Independent stating that Françoise Schepmans, the mayor of the Molenbeek district of Brussels, had a list of “radical Islamists” containing the names of the Abdeslam brothers and Abdelhamid Abaaoud on her desk a month before the Paris attacks. But that is suspicious in itself considering there were no real indications that the Abdeslam brothers were radicals, and plenty of signals to the contrary, most notably the revelations of Ibrahim’s ex-wife. Were they put on that list simply for authorities to point at later to “prove” the brothers were “radical Islamists”? It’s a possibility worth considering.

A third Abdeslam brother, Mohamed, who is not suspected of any involvement in the Paris attacks, hinted that his brothers may have been set-up, telling a Belgian TV channel: “I deeply believe that my brothers weren’t radicalised. That’s the reason why we didn’t see anything. I rather feel like my brothers were manipulated.”

Even more bizarre is the revelation that the alleged ‘mastermind’ of the Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was spotted “drinking and smoking cannabis” in a Saint-Denis bar after the events of the 13th! “The apparent architect of the Paris attacks was reportedly seen on the streets of Paris shortly after the atrocities, smoking cannabis and drinking with a group of men, witnesses have claimed,” reported the Independent.

A witness, Amel Alla, claims she is “99.9 per cent sure” she saw Abaaoud with eight to ten other men “smoking joints and drinking beers” on the street after the attacks. Another witness, Jean-Jacques, claims Abaaoud “was sitting in the street with a bottle of whisky and he offered some to me.”

So if these witnesses are correct, this battle-hardened ISIS jihadist was publicly lounging around smoking pot and drinking shortly after the Paris attacks without a worry in the world. Not only does the smoking and drinking betray Abaaoud’s ‘jihadi’ credentials, but this inexplicably reckless behaviour does not support the depiction of him as a ‘terror mastermind.’ What is being described here is more like a bumbling patsy. We are supposed to believe that this man had just organized the deadliest attack in France since the Second World War, yet instead of keeping a low profile or fleeing the country, which any serious terrorist would do, Abaaoud deliberately goes out of his way to draw attention to himself publicly whilst engaged in activities considered ‘haram’ in Islam.

None of this makes any sense.

As detailed earlier, Abaaoud’s sensational escapades – traipsing in and out of Europe with remarkable ease, “planning operations” under the noses of authorities and miraculously escaping, then returning to ‘mastermind’ the Paris attacks – are not the least bit believable; unless of course he was a protected asset of NATO.

Indestructible Passports and False Reporting

Another parallel with 9/11 is the claim that two ‘suicide bombers’ who allegedly detonated outside of the Stade de France were identified by their passports conveniently “found” by police at the scene, having survived the explosions in legible condition. A headline in the Independent reads: “Syrian and Egyptian passports found near bodies of suicide bombers at Stade de France.”

This mimics the 9/11 fairy tale of an al-Qaeda terrorist’s passport that magically managed to survive the explosive plane crash into the tower and a massive fall to the ground, finding its way into the hands of police virtually without a blemish. In total the 9/11 official story contends that four passports belonging to various “hijackers” were recovered at the assorted crash sites and such items were opportunely used as prime evidence of Muslim guilt.

French authorities have now admitted that the Syrian passport they “found” in Paris was fake and bore the name of a Syrian Army soldier, Ahmad al-Mohammad, who died months ago. Serbian authorities later detained a man carrying a passport with the exact same details as the one “found” in Paris, apparently faked by the same forger in Turkey. So who was the real bomber if there even was one?

Another damning clue that reveals the fabricated nature of the Paris attacks storyline is the false reporting emanating from Fox News that immediately established the “ISIS” connection in the public mind. Within an hour of the attacks becoming news, Fox News ran a false story alleging that a “suspect” had been arrested at the Bataclan theatre and told police “I am from ISIS.” Fox hyped the story multiple times on their live news coverage; it was picked up by other mainstream media outlets and spread like wildfire across the Internet. Fox News anchor Shepard Smith said on air:

“There is one man who has been arrested in Paris tonight. Arrested by French authorities who told French authorities ‘I am from ISIS.’ I now have further information: that suspect has just told French police within the last hour or so, ‘I am Syrian, I was here with two others, we were recruited by ISIS and this is … an ISIS mission.’ [The man] was quoted from inside the [Bataclan] theatre saying, ‘This is for Syria. Allahu Akbar.’”

The story cannot be true because none of the alleged shooters/bombers at Bataclan or the other sites were taken into custody – all are now said to have either detonated explosive suicide vests or were shot dead by police. A ninth suspect, Salah Abdeslam, is supposedly still on the run. Yet this incident alleging a phantom “suspect” had been arrested and confessed to being sent by ISIS was trumpeted across the web as the initial “smoking gun proof” of the terrorist group’s involvement, alongside widespread news reports that the gunmen were shouting “Allah Akbar” and “this is for Syria” during the massacre. The latter claim is questionable as well. An early eyewitness in the Bataclan theatre during the attack, radio reporter Julien Pearce, told CNN that the gunmen “didn’t shout anything. Not Allah Akbar or something like this. They said nothing. They just shot people.” An audio clip of the Bataclan shooting was released and no shouts of “Allah Akbar” can be heard on the tape.

Considering Fox News’ well-known status as a factory of lies for the Neocon-Zionist propaganda machine, the fake “I am from ISIS” story appears to have been deliberately planted disinformation intended to build up the ‘ISIS did it’ narrative early on during the tragedy when the public is most gullible.

Mass Shooting Drill

The phenomenon of “drills” or “exercises” that mimic the events that later take place is a staple of the false flag terror formula.

Such “terror drills” took place on 9/11, where authorities mimicked hijackings and jets crashing into buildings; on 7/7 in London, a private security company linked to British intelligence was running a drill simulating tube train explosions; in the weeks leading up to the much-hyped Ottawa shooting of October 22, 2014, Canadian authorities had been running drills simulating “ISIS-style attacks”; a year or so before the “Sydney Siege” hostage taking in Australia, a “counter-terrorism” drill was run by Australian authorities that took place in the exact same location as the future event; and on and on.

The Paris attacks were no exception. A telling headline in Bloomberg Business News reads: “Hours Before the Terror Attacks, Paris Practiced for a Mass Shooting.” On the morning of the event, a multi-site “attack exercise” coordinated by French EMT authorities and police simulated a mass shooting. “An exercise with the exact same scenario as the one that happened that night,” pointed out a guest on a French television show, commenting on the coincidence. French physician and EMT worker Patrick Pelloux revealed the existence of the drill on French radio, stating:

“As luck would have it, in the morning at the Paris SAMU (EMT), a multi-site attack exercise had been planned. So we were prepared. What needs to be known is there was a mobilisation of police forces, firemen, EMTs, associations who came [to participate] and we tried to save as many people as possible.”

Pelloux is no stranger to the media. His Wikipedia page says he “became well known in France during the 2003 European heat wave, as he was the first to denounce that thousands of people were dying, the French authorities denying it.” Pelloux just happened to be near the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo during that attack, and was one of the first responders on the scene. He purportedly called President Hollande directly to inform him of the incident. Oddly, Pelloux has written articles for the Charlie Hebdo publication since 2004 and has also done some acting work. Some suspect he is part of the ‘crisis actor’ phenomenon. The Frenchman’s eyebrow-raising track record justifies the suspicions.

The Zionist Connection

Zionist Jews seem to have an uncanny knack for possessing foreknowledge of major events, especially terrorist attacks that just so happen to benefit Israel.

On 9/11, Israelis were forewarned over an Israeli instant messaging service called Odigo of a looming terrorist attack in New York. Conspicuously, the World Trade Center was bought by a Jewish-Zionist billionaire, Larry Silverstein, six weeks before the attacks. Silverstein, who is personal friends with Benjamin Netanyahu and a lavish contributor to pro-Israel causes, attributed his absence from a routine business meeting at the top of the North Tower on 9/11 to a “miracle.” He then collected billions in terrorism insurance money and his destroyed buildings gave birth to the Israeli-devised “War on Terror.”

A similar scenario is unfolding around the Paris attacks. Shortly after the carnage, the Times of Israel, a hardline Zionist media outlet, reported that France’s Jewish community leaders were tipped off on the morning of the 13th about an “impending large terrorist attack” in the country. The article states:

“Just Friday morning, security officials in France’s Jewish community were informed of the very real possibility of an impending large terrorist attack in the country, according to Jonathan-Simon Sellem, a freelance journalist and a representative of French citizens in Israel. The Jewish community, already on high alert ahead of several planned high-profile events Sunday, had been told that after several minor attacks in France this month, a large terrorist event was thought to be on the horizon. Security experts in France, Sellem told The Times of Israel from Paris on Saturday morning, are now comparing the country’s situation with that of Israel.”

The Zionist editors quickly swooped in and revised the story, changing the original wording from “Friday morning” to “for months.” The new phrasing implies that the warning was a vague caution that had been ongoing for “months” and was not specific to what happened on the 13th. The attempt at obfuscation notwithstanding, the French Jewish community was clearly provided with some kind of insider information, most likely by the Israeli Mossad, about an imminent major terror attack; information that no other French citizens were privy to.

To add to these suspicions, we know that the Bataclan theatre, where the main massacre allegedly took place during a concert, was until recently under Jewish ownership. French Jew Joel Laloux owned the venue for 40 years but oddly decided to part with it two months before the attack! The Times of Israel, in its article titled “Jewish owners recently sold Paris’s Bataclan theatre, where IS killed dozens,” informs us that, “The Bataclan theatre, targeted in Friday night’s Paris terror attacks, was Jewish-owned for decades, but was sold two months ago, its former owners said.” It adds that the venue “has for years been the target of anti-Zionist groups as the Jewish owners often put on pro-Israel events.” The Jewish Telegraphic Agency confirmed the details of the Bataclan owner’s pro-Israel credentials in an article headlined “Before terror, Paris’ Bataclan theatre threatened for pro-Israel events,” which states:

“Before Friday’s bloodbath at the Le Bataclan concert venue in Paris, this centrally located hall from the 19th century had received numerous threats over pro-Israel events hosted there. From at least 2006-2009, Le Bataclan was the venue for the annual fundraising gala of Migdal, the French Jewish nonprofit group that supports the Israeli Border Police. Last month, the theater served as the meeting place for a gathering of some 500 Zionist Christians who came there in support of Israel.”

Mirroring 9/11, the Zionist ownership of the targeted venue in Paris has kindled much suspicion about the Bataclan’s proprietor, Joel Laloux, and what he may have known about the attack in advance. Reflecting on the report that French Jewish community leaders were on “high alert” about an impending large-scale terror attack “for months,” and the fact that French intelligence learned in September from an apprehended “French jihadist” that ISIS had ordered attacks on concerts, it begs the question whether Laloux was himself made aware of what was to come, prompting him to suddenly sell his business and move to Israel.

These Zionist connections are intriguing and coalesce nicely with the reality that any anti-Western terrorism blamed on Muslims, no matter their orientation, is good for Israel. To no one’s surprise, Israel’s bellicose Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu wasted no time exploiting the tragedy in Paris for political gain. Much like he did after the Charlie Hebdo attack and every other major terror spectacle from 9/11 forward, Netanyahu quickly tried to link the bloodshed in Paris to “what Israel goes through,” declaring that “an attack on one of us is an attack on us all.” CRIF, the main Jewish lobby umbrella group in France, echoed Netanyahu’s propagandistic chorus, publicly calling for a “world war against jihadism” in response to the attacks.

French Leaders are Zionist Puppets

The French political leadership has for some time now been acting almost exclusively in the interests of Jews and Israel. Next to those of America and Canada, French leaders over the past decade have been consistently and fanatically pro-Zionist.

The French regime has made pro-Palestinian activism exceedingly difficult in France and has desperately moved to scuttle anti-Israel boycotters. France was the first country in the world to ban pro-Palestinian street protests in 2014. At the behest of the Zionist lobby, French courts have even penalized pro-Palestinian activists under the country’s “anti-hate” laws. An October 2015 International Business Times article on the issue noted:

“Anti-Israel activists have taken to Twitter to protest a French high court decision upholding a ruling that sentenced a group of pro-Palestinian activists in Colmar, France, to pay high fines, for urging grocery store patrons to forgo products made in Israel. The activists were prosecuted under a French law that prohibits speech that ‘incites racial hatred,’ and it has often been used to prevent hate speech.”

France also plays host to a particularly virulent branch of the Jewish Defense League (JDL), a radical Zionist ISIS of sorts, which enjoys relative impunity to conduct its violent and coercive methods aimed at intimidating and silencing anti-Zionists throughout the country.

Successive French Presidents have all made groveling public displays of affinity for Israel and the domestic Jewish community. Former President Nicolas Sarkozy, a man of partial Jewish heritage who was outed by the French daily Le Figaro as a long-time asset of the Israeli Mossad, has made no secret of his love affair with Israel, telling a Jewish journalist that Israel’s struggles are “the fight of my life.”

A Jerusalem Post article titled “Unpopular at home, Hollande appreciated in Israel,” quotes the current French president, Francious Hollande, stating that he “will always remain a friend of Israel.” Hollande, like Sarkozy before him, has parroted the Israeli line on Iran, Hezbollah and the conflict with the Palestinians.

Hollande’s foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, is Jewish. The Prime Minister Manuel Valls is blessed with a Jewish wife. Valls is a favourite of the French Jewish lobby for his incessant public pledges to stamp out “anti-Semitism” in France. Following the Charlie Hebdo events, Valls decried the prospect of French Jews emigrating to Israel en masse, stating that “if 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France,” adding that the Republic “will be judged a failure” if relieved of its Jews. In 2011, Valls told an audience that he is, by virtue of his Jewish wife, “eternally tied to the Jewish community and to Israel.” That and other comments sparked former French foreign minister Roland Dumas to state that Valls is “under Jewish influence.”

In April 2015, Valls himself spearheaded a government-backed initiative to stifle criticism of Jews, allocating $107 million of taxpayers’ money to the censorship project. Reflecting the attitude and wishes of his Zionist backers, Valls has relentlessly pursued a witch-hunt against the wildly popular French comedian Dieudonne, who works anti-Zionist themes into his comedy skits. Under the leadership of Hollande and Valls, the French regime has engaged in endless judicial harassment of Dieudonne, culminating in the comedian’s arrest days after the Charlie Hebdo affair on Orwellian trumped up charges of “condoning terrorism.”

The West Created ISIS to Help Israel

The ISIS phenomenon itself was deliberately cultivated by Western powers as part of their lunatic bid – primarily in the interests of Israel – to depose Syria’s resilient President Bashar al-Assad and bleed the Arab country to death.

The evidence for this has been rapidly emerging for years, culminating in a now legendary admission from the former head of the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Michael Flynn, that Washington made a “willful decision” to support and facilitate the rise of Wahhabist, Salafist and al-Qaeda-linked extremist groups – entities that have metastasized into what is now known as the “Islamic State” – in Syria as a counter-weight against Assad, and by extension Iran and Hezbollah.

A 2012 DIA report, issued under Flynn’s leadership, firstly acknowledged that the Syrian rebels were (during this early stage of the conflict) dominated by “Salafist, Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda” extremist elements. Despite the involvement of said extremists and religious fanatics, the intelligence document wrote, “the West, the Gulf States and Turkey” continued to be the primary backers of this violent, extremist-led opposition in Syria in order to topple the Assad regime. Specifically, the document states that “there is the possibility of establishing a … Salafist principality in Eastern Syria,” and that such a development was seen by the “supporting powers” (the West, Gulf States and Turkey) of the anti-Assad militants as a strategic opportunity to “isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).”

Security scholar Nafeez Ahmed summarized the essence of the DIA document, writing:

“The secret Pentagon document thus provides extraordinary confirmation that the US-led coalition currently fighting ISIS, had three years ago welcomed the emergence of an extremist ‘Salafist Principality’ in the region as a way to undermine Assad, and block off the strategic expansion of Iran. Crucially, Iraq is labeled as an integral part of this ‘Shia expansion.’”

Following Washington’s lead, France itself has played an indispensible role in that agenda, funneling cash and arms to anti-Assad rebels, including the head-choppers of ISIS and al-Nusra Front, from the outset of the unrest in Syria. A December 2012 Guardian report entitled, “France funding Syrian rebels in new push to oust Assad,” laid bare France’s dirty hands behind Syria’s internal woes. “France has emerged as the most prominent backer of Syria’s armed opposition and is now directly funding rebel groups around Aleppo as part of a new push to oust the embattled Assad regime,” the report, authored by journalist Martin Chulov, explained. Chulov goes on:

“Large sums of cash have been delivered by French government proxies across the Turkish border to rebel commanders in the past month, diplomatic sources have confirmed. The money has been used to buy weapons inside Syria and to fund armed operations against loyalist forces. … [A]ccording to western and Turkish officials as well as rebel leaders, the influx of money has made a difference in recent weeks as momentum on the battlefields of the north steadily shifts towards the opposition.”

Some of the French cash, Chulov noted, “reached Islamist groups who were desperately short of ammunition and who had increasingly turned for help towards al-Qaida aligned jihadist groups in and around Aleppo.” Chulov further revealed that French military advisors “met with rebel groups inside Syria, in an area between Lebanon and Damascus, in further evidence of efforts by Paris to step up pressure on president Assad.”

An August 2014 France24 report titled “France delivered arms to Syrian rebels, Hollande confirms” tells us that, “President Francois Hollande said on Thursday that France had delivered weapons to rebels battling the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad ‘a few months ago.’”

“French imperialism has been arming Syrian Islamist opposition forces since at least the spring of 2013,” writes Pierre Mabut in a World Socialist Web Site report on French support for anti-Assad armed militants. Citing French newspaper Le Monde, Mabut writes that France under Hollande’s leadership has “provided weapons including 12.7-mm machine guns, rocket launchers, body armour and communications equipment” to Islamist insurgents in Syria.

The West’s actions in Syria are, in large part, motivated by its subservience to Israel, which earmarked the Assad regime for extinction years ago. The former Israeli ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, outlined in candid terms Tel Aviv’s desire to oust Assad and install a friendly regime in its place. He told the Jerusalem Post in a September 2013 interview that Tel Aviv’s goal of regime change in Syria was “a position we had well before the outbreak of hostilities in Syria. With the outbreak of hostilities we continued to want Assad to go.” Oren further pontificated about Assad’s status as a “keystone” in a “strategic arc that extends from Tehran, to Damascus to Beirut” – an alliance that Israel views as a major impediment to its hegemony in the region, and sought to disrupt through proxy warfare.

Hollande Brings Back Pathetic Bushisms

Resurrecting Bush-era neocon propaganda, French President Francois Hollande said that Islamic extremists, specifically the ones who allegedly attacked Paris, “fight us because France is a country of freedom.” If the statement was not an attempt at humour, then Hollande must be delusional.

France is by no means a “free country,” boasting some of the most restrictive laws against free speech (such as draconian “Holocaust denial” and “hate speech” laws), on top of newly minted police state powers sanctioning mass surveillance of the civilian population. In the name of “freedom,” Hollande declared a “state of emergency,” effectively putting the nation under martial law – that is to say military rule with enforced curfews, totalitarian opinion-monitoring and widespread mass surveillance of the citizenry. The autocrat is now pushing to revise French law to allow a state of emergency (martial law) to last three months instead of 12 days. Soon enough he’ll scrap all existing laws and declare a full-on dictatorship.

Even if we are to accept that “ISIS” did this attack in Paris, it was not because they hate France’s elusory “freedom,” but because France has taken part in the “anti-ISIS” bombing coalition that was launched by the West more than a year ago. France has ostensibly (although not actually) been hitting ISIS targets for 15 months, which is what ISIS cites as their primary motive for attacks against Western targets. Moreover, French politicians themselves funded, armed and trained many of these militants and terrorists in the first place in their failed criminal effort to overthrow Assad. And they are now expressing shock that their own insane and immoral foreign policies have (allegedly) come back to haunt them? No, France’s leaders are playing a sick and twisted double game, using their own people as pawns in it.

So even if we are to ignore the fact that Western powers conspired to create and sponsor ISIS to execute a Zionist-inspired regime change policy in Syria; even if we are to ignore all of the anomalies surrounding this latest terror spectacle in Paris that point to a false flag, or at the very least a “let it happen” scenario; the truth is that President Hollande is a cynical charlatan who is conning his own population with audacious lies, and is, like his criminal counterparts in Brussels, London, Ottawa, Sydney and Washington, using staged terror to expedite the Zionist-Globalist agenda, of which he is a loyal servant.

Copyright 2015 Brandon Martinez
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

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Finance and terror, war and profit: never far apart. A US army helicopter hovers over Royal Victoria Dock, away from the DESI 2015 arms fair at the ExCeL Centre, 19th September 2015. Photo: Matt Buck via Flickr (CC BY-SA).
Finance and terror, war and profit: never far apart. A US army helicopter hovers over Royal Victoria Dock, away from the DESI 2015 arms fair at the ExCeL Centre, 19th September 2015. Photo: Matt Buck via Flickr (CC BY-SA). ... tacks.html

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'The terror dividend' - how traders and lobbyists made a killing from the Paris attacks
Paul Mobbs
25th November 2015

Amid the human suffering caused by terror attacks, it's easy to forget the economic dimensions, writes Paul Mobbs. But after the 13th November attacks in Paris defence industry shares soared, while a host of connected think tanks, lobbyists and politicians dominated the media in pushing for military responses. Is it time to expose and confront the terror industrial complex?
We need a new response, based upon the resolution of conflict - highlighting how the whole network of political and financial interests surrounding conflict benefit from this barbaric cycle of violence - and lock us into this self- perpetuating cycle.
The scenes which emerged from Paris almost two weeks ago ago were horrific, and undoubtedly only scratch the surface of the true devastation upon the families and friends of those involved.
There is still little detail about how the attacks in Paris were planned. Given the close association of those involved in the attack, it seems unlikely that high-tech 'command and control' via encrypted communications from Syria were an essential component of the planning process.
Likewise the source of the weapons for the attack probably has little to do with the Syrian conflict directly. They are most likely the legacy of the NATO-led conflict in the the Balkans two decades ago.
The fall-out from the present conflicts in Libya, Syria and Iraq - given the large stockpiles of conventional arms those states had amassed - are also likely to create regional instability for some years to come.
The trade in conflict

For the financial traders in New York and London, however, the Paris attacks have been, quite literally, a bonus.
In the age of 'vulture capitalism' what might be a tragedy for society - both in France and in Syria (where bombings increased after the attack) - has turned out to be highly lucrative for corporate investors. There are a number of people in boardrooms and finance trading rooms who may see a boost to their forthcoming annual bonus as a result.
What these events highlight is a truly ghastly moral issue. One which is rarely described within the panics which ensue after events such as those in Paris.
It's not just the arms trade which makes a killing from its core business. Both within the financial sector, and more widely across the lobby groups and think tanks who make noise about these issues, the 'war on terror' has created a powerful group of vested interests whose aggressive rhetoric is fanned by ideological and corporate interests.
For example, in times of crisis the UK media regularly feature 'independent' commentators from the Royal United Services Institute, or RUSI - who also regularly advise Parliamentarians. Like other defence think-tanks, RUSI is largely funded by the defence and aerospace industry, as well as directly from the Ministry of Defence.
Yet this underlying 'conflict' to their impartiality over issues such as terrorism is rarely explored by the media when they feature RUSI.
False profits

In the weeks leading up to the Paris attack global stock markets were declining - worried about the state of the Chinese economy and other related issues. What's really interesting were the stock prices of leading defence and aerospace companies.
If we take a 'basket' of defence sector shares in the run-up to the Paris attacks, while the markets had been falling steadily the share prices of defence contractors were falling faster than the market value overall. As terrorism fell off the agenda over the Summer, driven instead by concerns over refugees, the profile of the defence industry was on the wane.
Then came the attacks in Paris on 13th November.
In the USA later that day, and in the following days globally, defence stocks started to climb. By the beginning of the next working week, when the main markets were properly open, defence stocks were rising significantly faster than the average rate of the market overall.
With terror now back at the top of the agenda in Europe and the USA, and the likelihood of stronger military action in Syria, the ephemeral money of short-term investors was flowing back into the defence and aerospace sector.
'The terror dividend'

How much 'value' was generated in the stock market is always going to be a vague figure:
If we take the market capitalization of the basket of defence companies, and measure the uplift in capitalization created following the Paris attacks, the value of the defence sector was boosted by at least £7 billion to £8 billion - more than £55 million to £60 million per fatality (who said the price of human life was cheap?).
Of course there are other factors at play here. One of the reasons why the market rose in the USA were the Federal Reserve's statements on interest rates. Even so, one week after the Paris attack the NASDAQ was still trading below its value of two weeks before - in contrast to defence industry companies who were trading around 5% higher than two weeks before the Paris attack.
It's not just those in defence companies who have benefited from this trend. In London and New York, those who trade bets on the values of stocks, as well as taking income from trading directly, probably made tens of millions of additional income - a proportion of which they will personally receive in their commission and/or annual performance bonus.
Given the influence these corporations have over governments, there's a clear hazard to our ability to resolve global conflict. If terror attacks and their resultant military actions are good for business, how will growth-obsessed politicians ever find the will to make peace?
Enter the 'hyena lobbyists'

If the defence companies are the 'vultures' of capitalism, profiting from death, then that would make the industry's scavenging lobbyists the noisy 'hyenas' of this process - screaming over the bones of the victims.
RUSI, highlighted earlier, is one of the more 'learned' members of the global network of defence lobbyists. Taken as a whole the more shadowy work of those in the background, such as Interel Consulting or the Henry Jackson Society, is probably more significant.
Interel describes itself as "one of the world's leading Public Affairs defence and security practices", and represents many defence industry contractors in Europe and the USA. In the UK it has close links to the defence industry and government, and has many former political special advisers on its staff.
The Henry Jackson Society has close links to influential figures in the Conservative Party and those on the right of Labour. Over the last few years it has developed a whole project around talking-up the risks of the 'war on terror' and the radicalization of minorities. Its key role in the recent rise of 'British neo-conservatism' was highlighted in a recent report by Spinwatch.
The lack of evidence over how these attacks were planned hasn't stopped the advocates of more authoritarian restrictions on our civil rights from wading into the ideological fray. Their diagnosis: recent concerns about civil liberties and digital communications has nullified the ability of state security agencies to counter terrorism.
Some went as far as saying that NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden has "blood on his hands" as a result of the Paris attacks - despite the evidence that those carrying out the attacks didn't use the types of communications highlighted in Snowden's disclosures.
For example, relative to other groups, particularly nation states, there is little evidence that ISIS / Daesh have the capacity to launch a systematic cyber-attack, certainly of anything like the lethality of the Paris attacks. And yet one of the responses has been a clamour from 'defence analysts' to demand more powers for state surveillance to prevent Daesh cyber-attacks.
Perversely, there is even evidence that corporate lobbyists in the US have used the media-generated fear over the flow of refugees from the Syrian conflict as a political tool to block federal environmental regulations.
The revolving door of defence companies and civil servants (especially senior ex-military figures), probably more publicised in the USA than in the UK, is also a significant factor determining why government policy often defaults to the 'spend on conflict' option.
The moral hazard of the 'war on terror'

What recent events highlight, not just in Paris but since the attacks of 2001, is a clear moral hazard. There is a well-funded lobby for spending more conflict, but not for spending on conflict-resolution and peace.
In the world of 'pay-per-view' politics, peace doesn't offer a great enough financial return to their major donors; free expression doesn't involve as much 'corporate welfare' as mass surveillance.
The technological-response to terrorism, from bombs and drones to hacking people's mobile phones and Internet services, might make a lot of money for certain interests. Question is, does it solve the problem of modern terror, or exacerbate it?
Or are the vested interests in the political world simply using terror as a proxy for their own ideological battles - drowning-out any alternative solutions which don't increase their financial or political rewards, and kicking off the whole cycle of fear, defence lobbying and spending on violence once again.
The reality is that, since the end of the Cold War, the defence sector and leading terror groups have been inextricably linked into a new 'terror industry' - they are symbiotic organisms feeding off one another's need to control the public dialogue.
The most recent example of this unholy relationship is armed drones - which drive people to extremist causes, which in turn creates a greater lobby for more drones.
If the response to the Paris attacks is an escalation of military force and domestic surveillance then, on the evidence of the last fifteen years, it will fail.
We need a new response, based upon the resolution of conflict rather than the funding of offensive responses to it.
That must begin by highlighting how the whole network of political and financial interests surrounding conflict, not just the industrial manufacture of the physical tools of conflict, benefit from this barbaric cycle of violence - and lock us into this perpetuating cycle through their political lobbying.
Whether it be directly via arms manufacturing, or indirectly via share trading or political lobbying, profiting from the human suffering created by terror and militarism are as immoral as the direct use of weapons to inflict that violence.
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Post by scienceplease 2 »

Did you know the Germans have also voted in favor of bombing Syria? ... e-war-isis
Building up European momentum on the Middle East, relative to the US, is of course a tall order. One step forward was taken this week, when the Bundestag authorised German participation in the air campaign in Syria, through refuelling and reconnaissance flights. Although this doesn’t include airstrikes, it is the first time since the second world war that Germany has committed to offensive military operations outside Europe and outside a Nato framework.
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12 DEC - Paris conference false flag terrorism and PSYOP

Post by TonyGosling »

I'll speaking at a conference being held in Paris tomorrow, on false flag terrorism and various PSYOP components of this. You are welcome to join. I will be speaking at 12PM Pacific/West Coast time, which is about 8 hours behind Britain. In case you're interested in some of the material, the speakers will be addressing the Paris and San Bernadino and other attacks.

here's the link:

Scott Bennett, Ph.D. (ABD)

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Post by Jason16 »

With the exercises reminds me of those exercises on 7/7, coincidence, I doubt it.
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

Has anyone noticed the mainstream media getting particularly horrible? Technocratic? Totally out of touch? Not very subtle Satanic productions?

Saturday, 19 December 2015
People and Places ... pt_19.html

Inaccessible in France?

Rather strangely the blog analytics tell me of all the countries (mainly in the northern hemisphere) that have accessed it, France is seldom one of them. I cannot account for this. Perhaps it is a language or cultural thing or something else. Hopefully this will change, as only the French people can address the issues raised in this article and previous articles regarding the terrorist incidents in Paris on the 13th November, 2015. The lessons however should be of interest and applicable to all.


Previous parts to this article can be found here:

Pt. 1 ... ion-1.html;
Pt. 2 ... art-2.html ; and
Pt. 3 ... ud-pt.html .

This fourth part, addresses the awful incidents at the Belle Equippe Restaurant where it is claimed nineteen (19) people were murdered and touches on some other recent developments. The incidents at the Bataclan Theatre where one hundred and thirty (130) died of bullet wounds and other injuries and many more were presumably physically or mentally scarred will have to be dealt with in another article. As will the dramatic events at the Comptoir Voltaire Restaurant, where a suicide bomber (Ibrahim Abdeslam, 26) was said to have blown himself up (only injuring one other person) and the final shoot-out in the Rue de Corbillon, in St Dennis, where several people died and a building was wrecked.

One of the many questions posed and not answered by the French authorities is what happened at around ten o'clock in the evening after all the other attacks at Boulevard Beaumarchais, where apparently at least four people were shot dead not otherwise accounted for or discussed by the media or government sources.

How Reliable are the Reports?

Some have suggested that the reported deaths and injuries are unreliable. I make no such claim and believe the greatest sympathy and respect should be extended to those that have suffered. However as we noted in the earlier articles, there are many questions arising from the inconsistencies, incompatibilities, unlikelihoods and contradictions the official story contains, that demand answers if the truth is to be revealed and individuals are not to be unjustly accused, targeted and killed, whilst the real perpetrators escape unrecognised and unpunished.

There are major problems with the official story in relation to all of these events. There is also considerable confusion, indeed impossibility, with the vehicles and who was driving them and how they were used. This will be explained below but suffice it to say that overall the police version cannot be true, although aspects of it maybe.

Map from AP here: ... wsrc%5Etfw

Embedded image permalink

Maps were published early on but not updated. Few contain all the relevant information so (with a lot of help from Google Earth to whom due credit afforded) I tried successfully to construct my own - but transferring it here proved impossible. That is a shame because it clarifies the locations much better. To locate the two sites refer to the above.

Image 1. Stade de France & St Dennis

Image 2. The Right Bank Locations

(Note: Unfortunately despite my feeble efforts I am unable to transfer the Google Earth location maps referred to above to this blog for some reason which is a great pity. However the exercise has helped to clarify in my own mind the relative locations of the different sites and rectify some of my misinterpretations.)


Weapon with Mob and CIA Connections

At least one of the guns used in the November 13 terror attacks in Paris was purchased by Century International Arms and then re-exported to Europe. One of the largest arms dealers in the United States, Century Arms has close ties to the CIA and has faced charges in America and Europe of involvement in illegal arms deals.
(See: ... er/5496747)

Early Misinformation

To illustrate the point, this quote from ... ?r=US&IR=T.

"At least 112 people were reportedly killed inside the Bataclan theater, a popular concert venue in the 10th Arrondissement where six to eight attackers held people hostage. There have been conflicting reports regarding the number of fatalities. Estimates ranged between 120 and 150 late Friday into Saturday morning. Dozens were killed in shootings at Le Cambodge restaurant and Le Carillon bar in the 10th Arrondissement, and Les Halles shopping center. Other attacks were reported near Rue Faidherbe, Boulevard Beaumarchais, and Rue Albert. The French prosecutor's office says eight extremists are dead after the attacks — seven of them from suicide bombings. A police operation to free the hostages inside the Bataclan, which is a short walk from the old offices of Charlie Hebdo."

Note the over-estimate of the number of attackers at the Bataclan. Four became the standard for some time across all platforms, eventually settling for three (I think) Note also eight attackers are all said to be dead, 'seven from suicide bombings'. This of course proved incorrect and one managed to escape and the story had to be amended. Nor do the witness statements support the government's view that all the attackers wore 'identical bomb vests'. None of the three described (two at the Belle Equippe and one at Casa Nostra) were said to wear them. To the cynical this suggests there was an agreed story that subsequently kept having to be amended to adapt to the facts as they were revealed.

Unreported serious incident at Boulevard Beaumarchais

The third point of considerable interest is the reference to the incident at Boulevard Beaumarchais, where reports state four people were shot dead but virtually nothing can be found about it. Why the absence of information? Who were the people who died and by whom? Were they civilians or terrorists?

I came across, this incident on Boulevard Beaumarchais by a different route. (See image below) Apparently four people were shot dead here at about ten o'clock i.e. at the end of the other incidents but try as I may I can find nothing other than a cursory reference to it. It remains something of a mystery - suspicious even - as the timing and location would appear to suggest a connection.

This image comes from: ... gs-hostage with the following caption: 'A general view of police at the scene on Boulevard Beaumarchais following a shooting on November 13, 2015 in Paris, France.'

Bonne Biere and Casa Nostra Confusion

For some curious reason few if any of the early reports or maps seem to specifically refer to the shooting and five murders at the Bonne Biere.

On the 20th November papers carried the story of a video emerging of the 'carnage' seconds after the attack at 9.32 pm. It confirms that five died and eight injured. However it would appear that the five deaths ascribed to the Casa Nostra actually happened a few hundred yards to the north west. (Unless that is five were killed at both locations which now seems contra-indicated?)

The newspapers for some reason remain confused for some time. This is from the Guardian on the 18th November: "At the Casa Nostra pizzeria on rue de la Fontaine au Roi, at least five people were shot and killed. At least 19 died in an attack on La Belle Équipe bar in rue de Charonne." You would have thought after five days the would have been sorted. The two premises are some hundreds of yards apart after all. It's almost as if the script was not updated. After acting so brutally at the first three locations, not killing anyone at the Casa Nostra, comes as rather a surprise.

Man dies in his flat from 'stray bullet'

The Independent reported on the 18th (the same day as the shoot-out in St Dennis) as follows:

"A 52-year-old man killed when a bullet coincidentally flew through his open window during the Paris attacks has been found dead in his flat. Stephane Hache, 52, lived in a small studio overlooking the Bataclan concert hall where Isis jihadists killed almost 90 of their victims, Ouest France reported. The newspaper said his body was found over the weekend, at least day after the attacks on Friday night." ... 39531.html

Perhaps it's worth noting the window was open on a November night and he was shot in the back. Will anyone bother to check out what weapon the bullet matches. And in his back presumably means at least he wasn't looking out of his window at the time. Or was he? How are we to know? Can we be sure he was not shot for some extraneous or related reason?

The St Dennis 'Denouement'

As regards the final shootout at 8 Rue de Corbillon, in St Dennis, on the 18th November will have to be left to another article (the fifth!) Suffice it to say here the alleged the 'mastermind' of the multi-faceted operation (Abdelhamid Abaaoud) and a female accomplice, his cousin Hasna Ait Boulahcen were both killed in the heavy handed police action.

As previously noted it now seems government policy to kill alleged terrorists, rather than capture and interrogate them. Others have noted that in FFOs any individuals that are set up to take the blame are invariably removed from the scene one way or another. The question must be asked: "Is this what happened here?"

Subsequently it should be noted the story that Hasna blew herself up, from which we were to infer she was deeply implicated as a suicide bomber, was later specifically contradicted by the Paris Prosecutor, but not before the idea had been planted in the public mind.

Two days after the event and a week after the attacks on the 20th November, he announced that in fact another (third) man at the premises blew himself up, probably killing her in the process. Immediately after pleading for help and denying any romantic relationship with Abaaoud, the police shout, "We are going to shoot" followed by gunfire and an explosion, by which it is alleged she was blown into the street and killed.

An alternative very real possibility, supported by an audio recording, is that she was a relatively innocent victim trapped by the police operation and killed by their bullets of which more than 5,000 were fired apparently! That sounds like 'over-kill' if ever I heard it.(See: ... 42666.html )

As with criminal accounts, multiple changes in the story line should be treated with considerable caution.

Abandoned Cars

The only (?) trouble with this story is that photographic evidence widely circulated, runs completely contrary to this story!

As can be seen in the second image below, the car identified in the text as the Black car used in the attacks is being examined at a completely different location to the residential street in Montreuil where it was claimed to be located in the early morning of the 14th November i.e. next day.

This car in fact appears to be a Renault Clio not a Seat? It is possible however that the two could be confused. (The Renault and Seat models can be compared here: and here: ... oCK1Tw_wcB

The story is that the Montreuil car, said to be the black Seat attack car, containing three Kalashnikov rifles, was brought to the attention of the police by a concerned neighbour. The only problem with this story is that the photo of it shows it was NOT a Seat and probably not black! The Telegraph reports it thus:

"Here it was spotted by a Belgian resident who noticed its Belgian number plate. Her curiosity was aroused as she did not recognise the car and, believing it to be suspicious, looked inside and saw the weapons. She then called the police."
Yes you read it right. These careful, ruthless killers thoughtfully left their weapons in full view rather than either taking them with them or at least putting them in the boot out of sight. This presumably was to assist the police in tracking them down as quickly as possible. Of course if the police story is correct, by the time the car was parked only Salah was left, all seven others having been shot or blown themselves up.

But even this has now been changed to include a 'ninth attacker'. Perhaps this was Abaaoud, although they have also subsequently claimed he was directing the Bataclan attack on site, which makes him being in the Seat (?) impossible - although the Montreuil car is not a Seat anyway! I hope you are keeping up with me on this! Simply put none of the official story hold water.
I repeat, the shots of the Montreuil car being removed in the night, is clearly NOT a Seat. It appears to be a Citroen C3 to me but I could be wrong. In that case another obvious question arises. Why would the resident have contacted the police, or the police have responded so quickly in the middle of a terrorist incident, when this make and model car was at no time implicated in the attacks. The suggestion is fanciful.
(Citroen models here: ... -qtHkSJABw

Further witnesses claim that police smashed a window to get into it. This would simply not have happened if they had known this was the getaway car, as a first principle in such cases is as far as possible to retain the crime scene in as pristine a condition as possible. See for yourself below:

"The Seat (Renault?) car was used at two of the six locations attacked on Friday - a bar on rue de la Fontaine-au-Roi where five were killed, and a restaurant on rue de Charonne where 19 died." From: ... uburb.html

Meanwhile we have this image of a black Renault Clio that better fits the description quite different to the model shown above and in a quite different location obviously being treated as the implicated vehicle. It appears to have been abandoned in a hurry on some unnamed street.

In contrast this photograph below, from CNN apparently, published not more than two days after the incident, is no longer available it would seem on the page credited with it. (See: ... -timeline/)
It can still be accessed here though (Note the text - ... ge-169.jpg)

This image was taken in daylight so we must assume it was either before or after the attacks - presumably after, in which case it would have to be the 14th November and well after the the putative attack 'Seat' was removed from Montreuil. This is crucial evidence that conflicts with the official story that it was found the next morning in Montreuil!

Can I also draw your attention to the perhaps significant inclusion of the descriptor "assets" above which I have highlighted. Assets is of course a term applied to those that assist in clandestine operations. Ole Dammegard (See: ) a Swedish journalist who for many years has studied 'False Flag Operations' (FFO) following the assassination of the Swedish Prime Minister, Olof Palme in 1986 has drawn attention to this indicator in other incidents. Is that what it indicates here?

The government must have known the Montreuil car story was false but has never corrected it. Why would the government lie about such an important fact?

It suggests strongly that it was part of an agreed narrative to make it appear one car was responsible for all but the Catalan raids travelling in a South Easterly direction and abandoned to the North East. So if the car was planted, why not at least make sure it fitted the description? That's difficult to answer. Was it to facilitate it being placed there without creating immediate alarm or descriptions of the driver(s)? Or was it just hoped no one would notice and it would act as a decoy to keep photographers and reporters away from the real car used? (A multitude of other images (four can be found in this Telegraph article dated 15.11.15 here: ... uburb.html) illustrate how all the attention was focused the next day on the Montreuil parking space - now filled with an Audi but with glass from the broken window on the ground to fill the pages, whilst the real car is hardly noticed. (How this technique reminded me of Chevaline!) ... ge-169.jpg


The question must be posed why was the story about the Seat car being abandoned in Montreuil when the evidence suggests the car removed wasn't even a Seat, and that the Seat/Renault was somewhere else entirely? The facts of course undermine the official story completely.

If we still believe the official story that Ibrahim, Salah and a third person unknown were in the Seat (?) we still have to ask how if they did the shooting at four premises in the North West of the Right Bank they were able to get across town and over a mile in distance in under two minutes? The suggestion is quite unrealistic. The timing and distance clearly precludes it. If the car at Montreuil was not the Seat as claimed, the Suicide Event by Ibrahim further east is also undermined, as how would he have got there if not in the Seat in which it is claimed he was travelling in?

If it was impossible for the attackers in the black Seat (Renault?) to have carried out the Belle Equippe outrage, we have to conclude a second team was responsible there, supported by what appears to be a reliable eye-witness account. If this is true it obviously drives (yet another) cart and horses through the official story.

We therefore conclude that the vehicle retrieved in the Montreuil area was certainly not the black Seat car reported to have been involved in the Casa Nostra shooting and was probably a Citroen C3. If this latter car was involved in the Paris outrage it has not been referred to or been explained in any of the official accounts. It now seems possible that the car used in the attacks was not a Seat at all but a Renault (Clio?) and may have been used by "assets".

This is all deeply suspicious and undermining of the official account.

92 Rue de Charonne, Paris

9.36pm (2136 hrs) “Attackers shoot diners on the terrace outside the Belle

Equipe Bar killing nineteen people. (Suggested attackers: Abdelhamid

Abaaoud. Brahim Abdeslam. Unnamed Attacker.)

'Trendy': The fated La Belle Equipe café, where at least 19 people were killed in Friday night's attacks, was described as 'sober and refined' when it opened in 2014

Belle Equippe Attack

So then pressing on we come to the attack carried out at the most south westerly point at the Belle Equippe Restaurant, where at least nineteen (19) customers sitting outside were shot dead.

The Telegraph account claims that the same team drove from the Casa Nostra, around a mile to the North West – apparently past the area of the Bataclan concert venue – to launch another attack, this time on La Belle Equipe bar in Rue de Charonne where at least 19 people died after the terrace was sprayed with bullets at around 9.35pm.

This is the quote from the report filed on the 15.11.2015. Please note the deaths at the Bonne Bier are not referred to and again are attributed to the shooting at the nearby Casa Nostra, where probably no one died!

"A black Seat car used by the terrorist gang who fired at people in restaurants during the attacks on Friday - killing 38 - was found abandoned in the early hours of Sunday morning in the eastern suburb of Montreuil, three miles from the scene of the attacks.The Belgian-plated car - the second vehicle police have found linked to Friday's attacks - is thought to have been used in the shootings of customers at Le Petit Cambodge and Le Carillon bar - where 14 died - followed moments later by the attack on La Casa Nostra, where 5 were killed, and the nearby Belle Equipe, on Rue de Charonne, where 19 were gunned down, according to prosecutor Francois Molins." ( ... uburb.html)
Do I need to repeat that the Belle Equippe is not in fact 'nearby' as stated but over a mile distant?
This also accords with the Times report which also puts this attack at 9.36 as follows. It should be noted that the car used for the Bataclan attack is the 'black Seat' where as it is claimed Ibrahim Abdeslam, his brother Salah and a third unidentified (the ninth!) was also in the car.

So the police story is that this team attack three restaurants in the north east then travel SW, covering the mile or so in no more than two minutes to carry out the Belle Equippe attack before dropping his brother off at the Voltaire to blow himself up, before continuing with his anonymous mate to the area of Montreuil just outside the city boundary. The Seat (?) was apparently found abandoned there on early the next morning on 14 November.

Problems with the Official Account

There is a BIG problem with the official version of this most terrifying and catastrophic attack and not only the doubt in respect to the suggested attackers. (We should not forget the official story is that it was the black Seat here from which the gunmen attacked, yet it is contended that it was Saleh and Ibrahim (plus another) in that car on its way to the Cafe Voltaire! There number of the murdered and injured hopefully accurately reflected in the reports but there is very serious doubt over how it is explained. As always an inaccurate official version must inevitably point to incompetence or implicating deceit.

Neither the eye-witness description of the killers or of the car support the official line. The two men are described as being in their mid-thirties, white, muscular, calm and with a military disposition. Rather like the shooter at the Casa Nostra, they are informally dressed with no suggestion of either face masks or protective gear, although the description of black clothes would mean this is a different man from the Casa Nostra attacker, who appears in white on the Daily Mail video clip.

Their approach is well controlled, almost casual, with the passenger doing the shooting and the driver assuming a defensive position resting on the roof of the car. (This would suggest the car approached in the same general direction as the small Renault in the picture above).

When the shooting was over, they calmly drove off in the direction of the Bataclan, which raises the question as to whether this team was involved in the massacre there or elsewhere? What is absolutely clear is that the witness statement does NOT support the story that Abdelhamid Abaaoud or Brahim Abdeslam were involved in this incident, or that the black Seat car was even used!

The direction of travel is also diametrically opposite to that stated by government and police. They say it was on its way north east to Montreuil by way of the Voltaire Restaurant, whereas witnesses say they went off north west in the direction of the Bataclan or in another in the direction of the Charonne station.

Given the importance and veracity of this information, not least because the witness is named, one is fearful for his safety. People who's observations and memories do not fit government accounts in such situations frequently do not fare well. Let us hope he is not 'persuaded' to change his mind or suffers some inexplicable 'accident'.

Rather significantly, it is reported that the gunman also fired up at buildings to discourage anyone looking out. This technique was also described at some of the other French incidents, which might point to the same team or at least a common well rehearsed methodology. The account at ... ck-6834503 is so important I am reproducing it in full.

'Two heavily armed ISIS pulled up in a black Mercedes-Benz and calmly slaughtered scores of innocent diners in a Paris bistro before driving away. An eyewitness has told how 20 (me: actually 19) people were executed in a calculated attack on a busy restaurant in the heart of the French capital as they ate at tables on the pavement. A shocking description of the assassins and their barbaric assault came as the first eyewitness accounts emerged last night.

A Reliable Witness (One)?
Mahoud Admo said: “The gunman showed no emotion at all as he began spraying bullets into the diners. He just kept reloading his machine gun and firing, without saying a thing. Mr Admo, 26, who was staying at the Salvation Army hostel in Rue de Charonne opposite the Le Belle Equipe, told how gunmen executed patrons in a drive-by attack.
Trembling as he recalled how the massacre unfolded, he said: “I was just in my room and had the window open on to the street below. I could see lots people sat outside the bar eating dinner and enjoying a drink. The place was full of people just enjoying themselves.”
“At about 9.30pm a new looking black Mercedes pulled up outside with dark tinted windows at the back and the passenger and driver windows down. I could clearly see the passenger’s face as he was not wearing a hat or mask.
“As soon as the car stopped he quietly opened the door and got out in front of the restaurant.“That is when I saw he was holding a machine gun that was resting on his hip. I could not take in what I was witnessing.
“People outside spotted the shooter approaching with his gun and tried to run inside but he shot them down in the doorway. Then people inside moved forward to see what was happening and he sprayed more bullets into them. I was trying to catch them on my camera phone but the gunman saw the light on my mobile and I ducked down behind the wall as they fired at my hotel. The gunman calmly reloaded his weapon several times. He then shot up at the windows in the street to make sure nobody was filming anything or taking photographs. It lasted over six minutes”
“He fired lots of bullets. He was white, clean shaven and had dark hair neatly trimmed. He was dressed all in black accept for a red scarf. The shooter was aged about 35 and had an extremely muscular build, which you could tell from the size of his arms. He looked like a weightlifter. He was not wearing gloves and his face was expressionless as he walked towards the bar.”
“The driver had opened his door shortly before the shooting began and stood up with his arm and a machine gun rested on the roof of the car. He stood there with his foot up in the door acting as a lookout. I would describe him as tall, with dark hair and also quite muscular. They looked like soldiers or mercenaries and carried the whole thing out like a military operation. It was clear that they were both very heavily armed and the gunman was carrying several magazines on him. They both then coolly sat back in the car and sped off in the direction of the Bataclan Theatre.” '

Apart from all the other features of this very full and convincing account, you will notice the car is described as travelling in a north westerly direction, not as the official account has suggested coming from that direction.

A Reliable Witness (Two)?

Meanwhile a completely different account emerges as reported by the Daily Mail here: ... z3uImQ6ZIN. In this, the witness describes three men dressed in black coming out of the restaurant, returning to their car behind a bus.

Unfortunately this account carries far less weight, indeed gives the impression that it or the reporting of it is completely bogus! Note if reliable, he claims to arrive after the shooting has begun and that the three gunmen are all inside the cafe. That they emerge again whilst he is tending to a dying victim, that they start firing again yet he is completely unharmed despite his opinion that the “shots became more violent and accurate”.

Then he had “a little meeting with the killers” after he had “hidden behind a bus”. He says they came out and walked past him and it, to their car. Not only is there no description of the car, we are left wondering how he could be hiding behind a bus if they walked past it, not to mention how he had managed to get there with three killers on the loose or what the bus was doing there, stationary at the time?

The sequencing of this account just does not work, nor is there evidence from the dead and injured mainly outside, that the gun men ever entered the premises. Nor would it be expected that three gunmen would enter it as at least one would have remained outside by the car for sure.

This account therefore in my mind shouts fabrication and falsehood presumably to support the agreed fantasy of the three ISIS gunmen. It prompted me to research the author a little more from which the following rather interesting biographical information is obtained.

The account is by Sebastien Jeannerot, surely the same 'Theatre Director' (at!biography/c13dn) who has this to say about himself (Google translation):
"2010 - present
About me ...
On August 15, 1980 on the fourth floor of the building side courtyard of 36 rue Albert Petit in Bagneux, Sébastien was born in the bowels of French show business, plunged into the mythical home of Mr. Eddie Barclay Records, where his mother managed since 25years artistic pool and the entire staff Barclay. He grew up without knowing even with the greatest artists of the French scene ...

He grew up in the recording studios of the label where it quickly takes the taste of the show.:"

Then there are these examples of his work also on his web site. Some have claimed that the whole thing is a hoax set up with 'crisis actors'. I do not accept that view but never the less I find it strange that one 'seeded' but very unreliable 'eye-witness' account, comes from someone very clearly in that line of work - that is directing and appearing in bloody theatrics!

In 2014, and on tour in 2015 he happened to be directing the George Orwell's '1984'! A critic writes, "The time of interrogation has arrived." How weird is that?

"1984" piles up again for a sixth and final season in Paris! Compulsory show ... to be missed under any circumstances! 1984 - BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU ... "1984 adaptation of the famous novel by George Orwell, worth a last round in Paris. Welcome to the era of Big Brother, an era ... in close resonance with our news ... a little too much for my taste. "

Sébastien Jeannerot - Art Director


An impressive sight - Le Figaro
A totally successful bet - 20 minutes
For one terrifying news - Les Trois Coups
The time of interrogation has arrived! - Froggy Delight
ur news ... a little too much for my taste.Sébastien Jeannerot - Art Direct

Another critic has this, "Sébastien Jeannerot Winston is an outstanding, full of nuances, enthusiastic, idealistic, terrified, shot while Swan Demarsan O'Brien made ​​a cynical wish. It's exciting, confusing, realistic and disturbing, with strong scenes that take guts and chill the blood."

So we must conclude that Mr Jeannerot is first and foremost an actor in a provincial theatre company.

The Witness Account by a 'Theatre Director' (as reported by the Daily Mail)

'Sebastian Jeannerot, 35, a theatre director, was approaching the Belle Équipe cafe as the attack was taking place. 'At first I saw a girl sleeping on the table holding a glass of beer. Then I saw a hole in her face, and I realised she had been shot,' he said.

'I ran over to help and I saw big pools of blood, all the people were piled one on top of the other. People were screaming and crying, asking for help.

'There were no cops, nobody, all I could do was say "are you OK?" again and again.

'I saw one girl struggling to breathe, she was choking on blood, asking for help for her friend who was already dead.

'The shots starts again so I ran with some other people and hid behind a bus for many minutes.

'The shots became more and more violent and more and more precise. So long and loud. Then it stopped and went quiet. Then I had a little meeting with the killers.

'Three guys came out wearing black and went past the bus towards a car. They looked young and very professional, wearing black.'

The 'Hero' Story.

The Mail's main story-line is the bravery of a man who lost his life saving that of his girlfriend. If true I take my hat off to him. But we also need to treat such stories with a degree of caution.

Journalists love the 'hero story' in such events. Indeed true heroes deserve to be lionised, but they also tend to be chosen or even created, to provide heart warming and positive aspects, to an otherwise depressing subject. It is the newspaper equivalent of the film thriller 'happy ending'.

However there can also be a more sinister purpose, namely that of misdirection. Certain agencies are able to 'feed' the press with a prepared story of courage and self sacrifice as a way of diverting attention away from what actually took place.

The good act is used to camouflage and distract from the bad one. After all there is only so much available newspaper space even for the biggest news story. It takes over the narrative so that awkward questions are not asked and the subliminal 'good triumphs over evil' message is maintained. 'The devil is in the detail' but few examine or question it.

Other Reports

The article does include one useful fact as follows: "Two gunmen showered La Belle Equipe café with ‘around 100 bullets’ shortly before 8.40pm on Friday, as part of a series of coordinated attacks that paralysed the French capital."
( ... z3u8JyfsWs )

(Video of the event is here: )

Notice how this specifically contradicts the earlier story of three ISIS gunmen dressed in black
2010 - present
2010 - present

'' has this: "The gunmen were outside of La Belle Equipe when they started shooting. They aimed for people who were sitting on the terrace of the cafe. One witness said the shooting lasted about three minutes, the BBC reported. Then the gunmen reportedly got back in their car and headed in the direction of the Charonne station."

Mercedes or Seat?

A significant question here is whether a Mercedes car could have been confused with a Seat, after all both are described as black? However they are very different shape and design and any man with a modicum of car knowledge are unlike to do so. I don't know where Mr Admo originates from, but if from a North African or Middle East country, Mercedes are extremely common there. Further the darkened windows referred to distinguish it from images of the alleged Seat (of which more later)

In any event, even if Mr Admo incorrectly identified the Mercedes, the suggestion that the black Seat at the Casa Nostra was the same one used at the Belle Equippe appears to me to be completely out of the question. To do so it would have had to cover over a mile of Paris Friday night traffic in only a minute or two, a feat that even a police car on an emergency call could not achieve I would suggest. The video of the former suggests 9.34 as the time they left the Casa Nostra and the Belle Equipe attack is said to have started at 9.35 pm (indeed Mr Admo states "about 9.30") lasting between three and six minutes.

So the claim that it was the Casa Nostra team that also carried out the Belle Equippe attack is subject to serious question. Of course if they didn't do it, another team would have been required.

We might also note that the 'official version' reports 'all 7/8 attackers wore suicide vests'. Neither the shooter at Casa Nostra or at Belle Equippe were seen wearing them. If he didn't and he couldn't have been part of the team that did the shooting at the Belle Equippe, one wonders if the two observed here did either. Why then did the police make the claim? The question must be asked: Was it was part of an agreed fictitious story-line or just another misinformed assumption? Either way it doesn't look good does it?

We therefore conclude different teams in different cars were employed for the Belle Equippe (a black Mercedes) in the SE and Le Petit Cambodge, Le Carillon and Casa Nostra (a black Seat) in the NW of this Right Bank area of Paris.

Copyright Tim Veater. All rights reserved.
Tim Veater at 08:24

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Tim Veater
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

Has anyone noticed the mainstream media getting particularly horrible? Technocratic? Totally out of touch? Not very subtle Satanic productions?

Saturday, 19 December 2015
People and Places ... pt_19.html

Inaccessible in France?

Rather strangely the blog analytics tell me of all the countries (mainly in the northern hemisphere) that have accessed it, France is seldom one of them. I cannot account for this. Perhaps it is a language or cultural thing or something else. Hopefully this will change, as only the French people can address the issues raised in this article and previous articles regarding the terrorist incidents in Paris on the 13th November, 2015. The lessons however should be of interest and applicable to all.


Previous parts to this article can be found here:

Pt. 1 ... ion-1.html;
Pt. 2 ... art-2.html ; and
Pt. 3 ... ud-pt.html .

This fourth part, addresses the awful incidents at the Belle Equippe Restaurant where it is claimed nineteen (19) people were murdered and touches on some other recent developments. The incidents at the Bataclan Theatre where one hundred and thirty (130) died of bullet wounds and other injuries and many more were presumably physically or mentally scarred will have to be dealt with in another article. As will the dramatic events at the Comptoir Voltaire Restaurant, where a suicide bomber (Ibrahim Abdeslam, 26) was said to have blown himself up (only injuring one other person) and the final shoot-out in the Rue de Corbillon, in St Dennis, where several people died and a building was wrecked.

One of the many questions posed and not answered by the French authorities is what happened at around ten o'clock in the evening after all the other attacks at Boulevard Beaumarchais, where apparently at least four people were shot dead not otherwise accounted for or discussed by the media or government sources.

How Reliable are the Reports?

Some have suggested that the reported deaths and injuries are unreliable. I make no such claim and believe the greatest sympathy and respect should be extended to those that have suffered. However as we noted in the earlier articles, there are many questions arising from the inconsistencies, incompatibilities, unlikelihoods and contradictions the official story contains, that demand answers if the truth is to be revealed and individuals are not to be unjustly accused, targeted and killed, whilst the real perpetrators escape unrecognised and unpunished.

There are major problems with the official story in relation to all of these events. There is also considerable confusion, indeed impossibility, with the vehicles and who was driving them and how they were used. This will be explained below but suffice it to say that overall the police version cannot be true, although aspects of it maybe.

Map from AP here: ... wsrc%5Etfw

Embedded image permalink

Maps were published early on but not updated. Few contain all the relevant information so (with a lot of help from Google Earth to whom due credit afforded) I tried successfully to construct my own - but transferring it here proved impossible. That is a shame because it clarifies the locations much better. To locate the two sites refer to the above.

Image 1. Stade de France & St Dennis

Image 2. The Right Bank Locations

(Note: Unfortunately despite my feeble efforts I am unable to transfer the Google Earth location maps referred to above to this blog for some reason which is a great pity. However the exercise has helped to clarify in my own mind the relative locations of the different sites and rectify some of my misinterpretations.)


Weapon with Mob and CIA Connections

At least one of the guns used in the November 13 terror attacks in Paris was purchased by Century International Arms and then re-exported to Europe. One of the largest arms dealers in the United States, Century Arms has close ties to the CIA and has faced charges in America and Europe of involvement in illegal arms deals.
(See: ... er/5496747)

Early Misinformation

To illustrate the point, this quote from ... ?r=US&IR=T.

"At least 112 people were reportedly killed inside the Bataclan theater, a popular concert venue in the 10th Arrondissement where six to eight attackers held people hostage. There have been conflicting reports regarding the number of fatalities. Estimates ranged between 120 and 150 late Friday into Saturday morning. Dozens were killed in shootings at Le Cambodge restaurant and Le Carillon bar in the 10th Arrondissement, and Les Halles shopping center. Other attacks were reported near Rue Faidherbe, Boulevard Beaumarchais, and Rue Albert. The French prosecutor's office says eight extremists are dead after the attacks — seven of them from suicide bombings. A police operation to free the hostages inside the Bataclan, which is a short walk from the old offices of Charlie Hebdo."

Note the over-estimate of the number of attackers at the Bataclan. Four became the standard for some time across all platforms, eventually settling for three (I think) Note also eight attackers are all said to be dead, 'seven from suicide bombings'. This of course proved incorrect and one managed to escape and the story had to be amended. Nor do the witness statements support the government's view that all the attackers wore 'identical bomb vests'. None of the three described (two at the Belle Equippe and one at Casa Nostra) were said to wear them. To the cynical this suggests there was an agreed story that subsequently kept having to be amended to adapt to the facts as they were revealed.

Unreported serious incident at Boulevard Beaumarchais

The third point of considerable interest is the reference to the incident at Boulevard Beaumarchais, where reports state four people were shot dead but virtually nothing can be found about it. Why the absence of information? Who were the people who died and by whom? Were they civilians or terrorists?

I came across, this incident on Boulevard Beaumarchais by a different route. (See image below) Apparently four people were shot dead here at about ten o'clock i.e. at the end of the other incidents but try as I may I can find nothing other than a cursory reference to it. It remains something of a mystery - suspicious even - as the timing and location would appear to suggest a connection.

This image comes from: ... gs-hostage with the following caption: 'A general view of police at the scene on Boulevard Beaumarchais following a shooting on November 13, 2015 in Paris, France.'

Bonne Biere and Casa Nostra Confusion

For some curious reason few if any of the early reports or maps seem to specifically refer to the shooting and five murders at the Bonne Biere.

On the 20th November papers carried the story of a video emerging of the 'carnage' seconds after the attack at 9.32 pm. It confirms that five died and eight injured. However it would appear that the five deaths ascribed to the Casa Nostra actually happened a few hundred yards to the north west. (Unless that is five were killed at both locations which now seems contra-indicated?)

The newspapers for some reason remain confused for some time. This is from the Guardian on the 18th November: "At the Casa Nostra pizzeria on rue de la Fontaine au Roi, at least five people were shot and killed. At least 19 died in an attack on La Belle Équipe bar in rue de Charonne." You would have thought after five days the would have been sorted. The two premises are some hundreds of yards apart after all. It's almost as if the script was not updated. After acting so brutally at the first three locations, not killing anyone at the Casa Nostra, comes as rather a surprise.

Man dies in his flat from 'stray bullet'

The Independent reported on the 18th (the same day as the shoot-out in St Dennis) as follows:

"A 52-year-old man killed when a bullet coincidentally flew through his open window during the Paris attacks has been found dead in his flat. Stephane Hache, 52, lived in a small studio overlooking the Bataclan concert hall where Isis jihadists killed almost 90 of their victims, Ouest France reported. The newspaper said his body was found over the weekend, at least day after the attacks on Friday night." ... 39531.html

Perhaps it's worth noting the window was open on a November night and he was shot in the back. Will anyone bother to check out what weapon the bullet matches. And in his back presumably means at least he wasn't looking out of his window at the time. Or was he? How are we to know? Can we be sure he was not shot for some extraneous or related reason?

The St Dennis 'Denouement'

As regards the final shootout at 8 Rue de Corbillon, in St Dennis, on the 18th November will have to be left to another article (the fifth!) Suffice it to say here the alleged the 'mastermind' of the multi-faceted operation (Abdelhamid Abaaoud) and a female accomplice, his cousin Hasna Ait Boulahcen were both killed in the heavy handed police action.

As previously noted it now seems government policy to kill alleged terrorists, rather than capture and interrogate them. Others have noted that in FFOs any individuals that are set up to take the blame are invariably removed from the scene one way or another. The question must be asked: "Is this what happened here?"

Subsequently it should be noted the story that Hasna blew herself up, from which we were to infer she was deeply implicated as a suicide bomber, was later specifically contradicted by the Paris Prosecutor, but not before the idea had been planted in the public mind.

Two days after the event and a week after the attacks on the 20th November, he announced that in fact another (third) man at the premises blew himself up, probably killing her in the process. Immediately after pleading for help and denying any romantic relationship with Abaaoud, the police shout, "We are going to shoot" followed by gunfire and an explosion, by which it is alleged she was blown into the street and killed.

An alternative very real possibility, supported by an audio recording, is that she was a relatively innocent victim trapped by the police operation and killed by their bullets of which more than 5,000 were fired apparently! That sounds like 'over-kill' if ever I heard it.(See: ... 42666.html )

As with criminal accounts, multiple changes in the story line should be treated with considerable caution.

Abandoned Cars

The only (?) trouble with this story is that photographic evidence widely circulated, runs completely contrary to this story!

As can be seen in the second image below, the car identified in the text as the Black car used in the attacks is being examined at a completely different location to the residential street in Montreuil where it was claimed to be located in the early morning of the 14th November i.e. next day.

This car in fact appears to be a Renault Clio not a Seat? It is possible however that the two could be confused. (The Renault and Seat models can be compared here: and here: ... oCK1Tw_wcB

The story is that the Montreuil car, said to be the black Seat attack car, containing three Kalashnikov rifles, was brought to the attention of the police by a concerned neighbour. The only problem with this story is that the photo of it shows it was NOT a Seat and probably not black! The Telegraph reports it thus:

"Here it was spotted by a Belgian resident who noticed its Belgian number plate. Her curiosity was aroused as she did not recognise the car and, believing it to be suspicious, looked inside and saw the weapons. She then called the police."
Yes you read it right. These careful, ruthless killers thoughtfully left their weapons in full view rather than either taking them with them or at least putting them in the boot out of sight. This presumably was to assist the police in tracking them down as quickly as possible. Of course if the police story is correct, by the time the car was parked only Salah was left, all seven others having been shot or blown themselves up.

But even this has now been changed to include a 'ninth attacker'. Perhaps this was Abaaoud, although they have also subsequently claimed he was directing the Bataclan attack on site, which makes him being in the Seat (?) impossible - although the Montreuil car is not a Seat anyway! I hope you are keeping up with me on this! Simply put none of the official story hold water.
I repeat, the shots of the Montreuil car being removed in the night, is clearly NOT a Seat. It appears to be a Citroen C3 to me but I could be wrong. In that case another obvious question arises. Why would the resident have contacted the police, or the police have responded so quickly in the middle of a terrorist incident, when this make and model car was at no time implicated in the attacks. The suggestion is fanciful.
(Citroen models here: ... -qtHkSJABw

Further witnesses claim that police smashed a window to get into it. This would simply not have happened if they had known this was the getaway car, as a first principle in such cases is as far as possible to retain the crime scene in as pristine a condition as possible. See for yourself below:

"The Seat (Renault?) car was used at two of the six locations attacked on Friday - a bar on rue de la Fontaine-au-Roi where five were killed, and a restaurant on rue de Charonne where 19 died." From: ... uburb.html

Meanwhile we have this image of a black Renault Clio that better fits the description quite different to the model shown above and in a quite different location obviously being treated as the implicated vehicle. It appears to have been abandoned in a hurry on some unnamed street.

In contrast this photograph below, from CNN apparently, published not more than two days after the incident, is no longer available it would seem on the page credited with it. (See: ... -timeline/)
It can still be accessed here though (Note the text - ... ge-169.jpg)

This image was taken in daylight so we must assume it was either before or after the attacks - presumably after, in which case it would have to be the 14th November and well after the the putative attack 'Seat' was removed from Montreuil. This is crucial evidence that conflicts with the official story that it was found the next morning in Montreuil!

Can I also draw your attention to the perhaps significant inclusion of the descriptor "assets" above which I have highlighted. Assets is of course a term applied to those that assist in clandestine operations. Ole Dammegard (See: ) a Swedish journalist who for many years has studied 'False Flag Operations' (FFO) following the assassination of the Swedish Prime Minister, Olof Palme in 1986 has drawn attention to this indicator in other incidents. Is that what it indicates here?

The government must have known the Montreuil car story was false but has never corrected it. Why would the government lie about such an important fact?

It suggests strongly that it was part of an agreed narrative to make it appear one car was responsible for all but the Catalan raids travelling in a South Easterly direction and abandoned to the North East. So if the car was planted, why not at least make sure it fitted the description? That's difficult to answer. Was it to facilitate it being placed there without creating immediate alarm or descriptions of the driver(s)? Or was it just hoped no one would notice and it would act as a decoy to keep photographers and reporters away from the real car used? (A multitude of other images (four can be found in this Telegraph article dated 15.11.15 here: ... uburb.html) illustrate how all the attention was focused the next day on the Montreuil parking space - now filled with an Audi but with glass from the broken window on the ground to fill the pages, whilst the real car is hardly noticed. (How this technique reminded me of Chevaline!) ... ge-169.jpg


The question must be posed why was the story about the Seat car being abandoned in Montreuil when the evidence suggests the car removed wasn't even a Seat, and that the Seat/Renault was somewhere else entirely? The facts of course undermine the official story completely.

If we still believe the official story that Ibrahim, Salah and a third person unknown were in the Seat (?) we still have to ask how if they did the shooting at four premises in the North West of the Right Bank they were able to get across town and over a mile in distance in under two minutes? The suggestion is quite unrealistic. The timing and distance clearly precludes it. If the car at Montreuil was not the Seat as claimed, the Suicide Event by Ibrahim further east is also undermined, as how would he have got there if not in the Seat in which it is claimed he was travelling in?

If it was impossible for the attackers in the black Seat (Renault?) to have carried out the Belle Equippe outrage, we have to conclude a second team was responsible there, supported by what appears to be a reliable eye-witness account. If this is true it obviously drives (yet another) cart and horses through the official story.

We therefore conclude that the vehicle retrieved in the Montreuil area was certainly not the black Seat car reported to have been involved in the Casa Nostra shooting and was probably a Citroen C3. If this latter car was involved in the Paris outrage it has not been referred to or been explained in any of the official accounts. It now seems possible that the car used in the attacks was not a Seat at all but a Renault (Clio?) and may have been used by "assets".

This is all deeply suspicious and undermining of the official account.

92 Rue de Charonne, Paris

9.36pm (2136 hrs) “Attackers shoot diners on the terrace outside the Belle

Equipe Bar killing nineteen people. (Suggested attackers: Abdelhamid

Abaaoud. Brahim Abdeslam. Unnamed Attacker.)

'Trendy': The fated La Belle Equipe café, where at least 19 people were killed in Friday night's attacks, was described as 'sober and refined' when it opened in 2014

Belle Equippe Attack

So then pressing on we come to the attack carried out at the most south westerly point at the Belle Equippe Restaurant, where at least nineteen (19) customers sitting outside were shot dead.

The Telegraph account claims that the same team drove from the Casa Nostra, around a mile to the North West – apparently past the area of the Bataclan concert venue – to launch another attack, this time on La Belle Equipe bar in Rue de Charonne where at least 19 people died after the terrace was sprayed with bullets at around 9.35pm.

This is the quote from the report filed on the 15.11.2015. Please note the deaths at the Bonne Bier are not referred to and again are attributed to the shooting at the nearby Casa Nostra, where probably no one died!

"A black Seat car used by the terrorist gang who fired at people in restaurants during the attacks on Friday - killing 38 - was found abandoned in the early hours of Sunday morning in the eastern suburb of Montreuil, three miles from the scene of the attacks.The Belgian-plated car - the second vehicle police have found linked to Friday's attacks - is thought to have been used in the shootings of customers at Le Petit Cambodge and Le Carillon bar - where 14 died - followed moments later by the attack on La Casa Nostra, where 5 were killed, and the nearby Belle Equipe, on Rue de Charonne, where 19 were gunned down, according to prosecutor Francois Molins." ( ... uburb.html)
Do I need to repeat that the Belle Equippe is not in fact 'nearby' as stated but over a mile distant?
This also accords with the Times report which also puts this attack at 9.36 as follows. It should be noted that the car used for the Bataclan attack is the 'black Seat' where as it is claimed Ibrahim Abdeslam, his brother Salah and a third unidentified (the ninth!) was also in the car.

So the police story is that this team attack three restaurants in the north east then travel SW, covering the mile or so in no more than two minutes to carry out the Belle Equippe attack before dropping his brother off at the Voltaire to blow himself up, before continuing with his anonymous mate to the area of Montreuil just outside the city boundary. The Seat (?) was apparently found abandoned there on early the next morning on 14 November.

Problems with the Official Account

There is a BIG problem with the official version of this most terrifying and catastrophic attack and not only the doubt in respect to the suggested attackers. (We should not forget the official story is that it was the black Seat here from which the gunmen attacked, yet it is contended that it was Saleh and Ibrahim (plus another) in that car on its way to the Cafe Voltaire! There number of the murdered and injured hopefully accurately reflected in the reports but there is very serious doubt over how it is explained. As always an inaccurate official version must inevitably point to incompetence or implicating deceit.

Neither the eye-witness description of the killers or of the car support the official line. The two men are described as being in their mid-thirties, white, muscular, calm and with a military disposition. Rather like the shooter at the Casa Nostra, they are informally dressed with no suggestion of either face masks or protective gear, although the description of black clothes would mean this is a different man from the Casa Nostra attacker, who appears in white on the Daily Mail video clip.

Their approach is well controlled, almost casual, with the passenger doing the shooting and the driver assuming a defensive position resting on the roof of the car. (This would suggest the car approached in the same general direction as the small Renault in the picture above).

When the shooting was over, they calmly drove off in the direction of the Bataclan, which raises the question as to whether this team was involved in the massacre there or elsewhere? What is absolutely clear is that the witness statement does NOT support the story that Abdelhamid Abaaoud or Brahim Abdeslam were involved in this incident, or that the black Seat car was even used!

The direction of travel is also diametrically opposite to that stated by government and police. They say it was on its way north east to Montreuil by way of the Voltaire Restaurant, whereas witnesses say they went off north west in the direction of the Bataclan or in another in the direction of the Charonne station.

Given the importance and veracity of this information, not least because the witness is named, one is fearful for his safety. People who's observations and memories do not fit government accounts in such situations frequently do not fare well. Let us hope he is not 'persuaded' to change his mind or suffers some inexplicable 'accident'.

Rather significantly, it is reported that the gunman also fired up at buildings to discourage anyone looking out. This technique was also described at some of the other French incidents, which might point to the same team or at least a common well rehearsed methodology. The account at ... ck-6834503 is so important I am reproducing it in full.

'Two heavily armed ISIS pulled up in a black Mercedes-Benz and calmly slaughtered scores of innocent diners in a Paris bistro before driving away. An eyewitness has told how 20 (me: actually 19) people were executed in a calculated attack on a busy restaurant in the heart of the French capital as they ate at tables on the pavement. A shocking description of the assassins and their barbaric assault came as the first eyewitness accounts emerged last night.

A Reliable Witness (One)?
Mahoud Admo said: “The gunman showed no emotion at all as he began spraying bullets into the diners. He just kept reloading his machine gun and firing, without saying a thing. Mr Admo, 26, who was staying at the Salvation Army hostel in Rue de Charonne opposite the Le Belle Equipe, told how gunmen executed patrons in a drive-by attack.
Trembling as he recalled how the massacre unfolded, he said: “I was just in my room and had the window open on to the street below. I could see lots people sat outside the bar eating dinner and enjoying a drink. The place was full of people just enjoying themselves.”
“At about 9.30pm a new looking black Mercedes pulled up outside with dark tinted windows at the back and the passenger and driver windows down. I could clearly see the passenger’s face as he was not wearing a hat or mask.
“As soon as the car stopped he quietly opened the door and got out in front of the restaurant.“That is when I saw he was holding a machine gun that was resting on his hip. I could not take in what I was witnessing.
“People outside spotted the shooter approaching with his gun and tried to run inside but he shot them down in the doorway. Then people inside moved forward to see what was happening and he sprayed more bullets into them. I was trying to catch them on my camera phone but the gunman saw the light on my mobile and I ducked down behind the wall as they fired at my hotel. The gunman calmly reloaded his weapon several times. He then shot up at the windows in the street to make sure nobody was filming anything or taking photographs. It lasted over six minutes”
“He fired lots of bullets. He was white, clean shaven and had dark hair neatly trimmed. He was dressed all in black accept for a red scarf. The shooter was aged about 35 and had an extremely muscular build, which you could tell from the size of his arms. He looked like a weightlifter. He was not wearing gloves and his face was expressionless as he walked towards the bar.”
“The driver had opened his door shortly before the shooting began and stood up with his arm and a machine gun rested on the roof of the car. He stood there with his foot up in the door acting as a lookout. I would describe him as tall, with dark hair and also quite muscular. They looked like soldiers or mercenaries and carried the whole thing out like a military operation. It was clear that they were both very heavily armed and the gunman was carrying several magazines on him. They both then coolly sat back in the car and sped off in the direction of the Bataclan Theatre.” '

Apart from all the other features of this very full and convincing account, you will notice the car is described as travelling in a north westerly direction, not as the official account has suggested coming from that direction.

A Reliable Witness (Two)?

Meanwhile a completely different account emerges as reported by the Daily Mail here: ... z3uImQ6ZIN. In this, the witness describes three men dressed in black coming out of the restaurant, returning to their car behind a bus.

Unfortunately this account carries far less weight, indeed gives the impression that it or the reporting of it is completely bogus! Note if reliable, he claims to arrive after the shooting has begun and that the three gunmen are all inside the cafe. That they emerge again whilst he is tending to a dying victim, that they start firing again yet he is completely unharmed despite his opinion that the “shots became more violent and accurate”.

Then he had “a little meeting with the killers” after he had “hidden behind a bus”. He says they came out and walked past him and it, to their car. Not only is there no description of the car, we are left wondering how he could be hiding behind a bus if they walked past it, not to mention how he had managed to get there with three killers on the loose or what the bus was doing there, stationary at the time?

The sequencing of this account just does not work, nor is there evidence from the dead and injured mainly outside, that the gun men ever entered the premises. Nor would it be expected that three gunmen would enter it as at least one would have remained outside by the car for sure.

This account therefore in my mind shouts fabrication and falsehood presumably to support the agreed fantasy of the three ISIS gunmen. It prompted me to research the author a little more from which the following rather interesting biographical information is obtained.

The account is by Sebastien Jeannerot, surely the same 'Theatre Director' (at!biography/c13dn) who has this to say about himself (Google translation):
"2010 - present
About me ...
On August 15, 1980 on the fourth floor of the building side courtyard of 36 rue Albert Petit in Bagneux, Sébastien was born in the bowels of French show business, plunged into the mythical home of Mr. Eddie Barclay Records, where his mother managed since 25years artistic pool and the entire staff Barclay. He grew up without knowing even with the greatest artists of the French scene ...

He grew up in the recording studios of the label where it quickly takes the taste of the show.:"

Then there are these examples of his work also on his web site. Some have claimed that the whole thing is a hoax set up with 'crisis actors'. I do not accept that view but never the less I find it strange that one 'seeded' but very unreliable 'eye-witness' account, comes from someone very clearly in that line of work - that is directing and appearing in bloody theatrics!

In 2014, and on tour in 2015 he happened to be directing the George Orwell's '1984'! A critic writes, "The time of interrogation has arrived." How weird is that?

"1984" piles up again for a sixth and final season in Paris! Compulsory show ... to be missed under any circumstances! 1984 - BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU ... "1984 adaptation of the famous novel by George Orwell, worth a last round in Paris. Welcome to the era of Big Brother, an era ... in close resonance with our news ... a little too much for my taste. "

Sébastien Jeannerot - Art Director


An impressive sight - Le Figaro
A totally successful bet - 20 minutes
For one terrifying news - Les Trois Coups
The time of interrogation has arrived! - Froggy Delight
ur news ... a little too much for my taste.Sébastien Jeannerot - Art Direct

Another critic has this, "Sébastien Jeannerot Winston is an outstanding, full of nuances, enthusiastic, idealistic, terrified, shot while Swan Demarsan O'Brien made ​​a cynical wish. It's exciting, confusing, realistic and disturbing, with strong scenes that take guts and chill the blood."

So we must conclude that Mr Jeannerot is first and foremost an actor in a provincial theatre company.

The Witness Account by a 'Theatre Director' (as reported by the Daily Mail)

'Sebastian Jeannerot, 35, a theatre director, was approaching the Belle Équipe cafe as the attack was taking place. 'At first I saw a girl sleeping on the table holding a glass of beer. Then I saw a hole in her face, and I realised she had been shot,' he said.

'I ran over to help and I saw big pools of blood, all the people were piled one on top of the other. People were screaming and crying, asking for help.

'There were no cops, nobody, all I could do was say "are you OK?" again and again.

'I saw one girl struggling to breathe, she was choking on blood, asking for help for her friend who was already dead.

'The shots starts again so I ran with some other people and hid behind a bus for many minutes.

'The shots became more and more violent and more and more precise. So long and loud. Then it stopped and went quiet. Then I had a little meeting with the killers.

'Three guys came out wearing black and went past the bus towards a car. They looked young and very professional, wearing black.'

The 'Hero' Story.

The Mail's main story-line is the bravery of a man who lost his life saving that of his girlfriend. If true I take my hat off to him. But we also need to treat such stories with a degree of caution.

Journalists love the 'hero story' in such events. Indeed true heroes deserve to be lionised, but they also tend to be chosen or even created, to provide heart warming and positive aspects, to an otherwise depressing subject. It is the newspaper equivalent of the film thriller 'happy ending'.

However there can also be a more sinister purpose, namely that of misdirection. Certain agencies are able to 'feed' the press with a prepared story of courage and self sacrifice as a way of diverting attention away from what actually took place.

The good act is used to camouflage and distract from the bad one. After all there is only so much available newspaper space even for the biggest news story. It takes over the narrative so that awkward questions are not asked and the subliminal 'good triumphs over evil' message is maintained. 'The devil is in the detail' but few examine or question it.

Other Reports

The article does include one useful fact as follows: "Two gunmen showered La Belle Equipe café with ‘around 100 bullets’ shortly before 8.40pm on Friday, as part of a series of coordinated attacks that paralysed the French capital."
( ... z3u8JyfsWs )

(Video of the event is here: )

Notice how this specifically contradicts the earlier story of three ISIS gunmen dressed in black
2010 - present
2010 - present

'' has this: "The gunmen were outside of La Belle Equipe when they started shooting. They aimed for people who were sitting on the terrace of the cafe. One witness said the shooting lasted about three minutes, the BBC reported. Then the gunmen reportedly got back in their car and headed in the direction of the Charonne station."

Mercedes or Seat?

A significant question here is whether a Mercedes car could have been confused with a Seat, after all both are described as black? However they are very different shape and design and any man with a modicum of car knowledge are unlike to do so. I don't know where Mr Admo originates from, but if from a North African or Middle East country, Mercedes are extremely common there. Further the darkened windows referred to distinguish it from images of the alleged Seat (of which more later)

In any event, even if Mr Admo incorrectly identified the Mercedes, the suggestion that the black Seat at the Casa Nostra was the same one used at the Belle Equippe appears to me to be completely out of the question. To do so it would have had to cover over a mile of Paris Friday night traffic in only a minute or two, a feat that even a police car on an emergency call could not achieve I would suggest. The video of the former suggests 9.34 as the time they left the Casa Nostra and the Belle Equipe attack is said to have started at 9.35 pm (indeed Mr Admo states "about 9.30") lasting between three and six minutes.

So the claim that it was the Casa Nostra team that also carried out the Belle Equippe attack is subject to serious question. Of course if they didn't do it, another team would have been required.

We might also note that the 'official version' reports 'all 7/8 attackers wore suicide vests'. Neither the shooter at Casa Nostra or at Belle Equippe were seen wearing them. If he didn't and he couldn't have been part of the team that did the shooting at the Belle Equippe, one wonders if the two observed here did either. Why then did the police make the claim? The question must be asked: Was it was part of an agreed fictitious story-line or just another misinformed assumption? Either way it doesn't look good does it?

We therefore conclude different teams in different cars were employed for the Belle Equippe (a black Mercedes) in the SE and Le Petit Cambodge, Le Carillon and Casa Nostra (a black Seat) in the NW of this Right Bank area of Paris.

Copyright Tim Veater. All rights reserved.
Tim Veater at 08:24

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Tim Veater
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
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Post by redadare »

Whitehall_Bin_Men wrote: ...

Inaccessible in France? ...
Not surprising. Several "conspiracy theory" websites are blocked from France. I can't check this one as I am away at the moment, but I know I follow Chris Spivey and have to use a proxy to get to it as it is blocked from everywhere in France. As far as I am aware, there is no official list of bad guy sites. Just another sympton of how reactionary the French "socialist" government is.
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Post by TonyGosling »

Gun linked to Paris attacks traced back to Florida arms dealer implicated in Iran-Contra scandal ... a-scandal/
Documents shared by WikiLeaks in 2011 showed Century Arms had illegally traded firearms with the help of “unauthorized brokers.”
The Center for Public Integrity reported that same year that WASR-10 rifles manufactured for Century Arms in Romania had become a favorite of Mexican drug cartels.
John Rugg, a former police officer and longtime Century Arms employee, testified before a U.S. Senate committee in 1987 that the company had supplied rockets, grenades and other weapons to Nicaraguan rebels as part of the Iran-Contra scandal.

Dealer: Gun linked to Paris attack came through Delray firm
Updated: 7:49 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 | Posted: 4:40 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 ... del/npgwf/

By Pat Beall, John Pacenti and Mike Stucka - Palm Beach Post Staff Writers

A gun once owned by a Delray Beach arms dealer is among those linked to the Paris attacks that killed 130 people, the head of a Serbian arms factory told The Associated Press.

The M92 semi-automatic pistol’s serial number matched one the Zastava arms factory delivered in May 2013 to the family-owned Century International Arms in Delray Beach, said the arms dealer, Milojko Brzakovic.

How the pistol got from Delray to France remains unclear.

Century owner Michael Sucher did not answer calls Thursday. Doors were locked at the company’s Congress Avenue location just south of Atlantic Avenue in Delray Beach, where TV news trucks were gathering Thursday afternoon.

Employees trickling out of the building to go home declined comment. Sarah Levine, who worked next door, said “I had no idea that there was anything connected with guns or arms dealing in this vicinity.”

Century, a buyer and re-seller of military-grade surplus guns, is one of the largest arms dealers in the United States. Its specialty is buying firearms from overseas and reselling to dealers. The Palm Beach County business imports up to 25,000 guns every year from the Serbian firm alone, the AP reported.

In addition to the Delray Beach location, Century also holds federal firearms licenses in Georgia, Vt., a town of about 4,700 residents about 10 miles from the Canadian border.

The Vermont location is licensed to import guns, build guns and import destructive devices, including very large-caliber guns or armor-piercing ammunition. The company also markets its own brand of ammunition, Red Army Standard, which is manufactured in Cold War-era factories.

This is not the first time that Century Arms has wound up in headlines.

In 2011, The Palm Beach Post detailed how Century Arms has prospered — trading in pistols, sniper rifles and assault weapons, sometimes with the help of “unauthorized brokers” — based on secret diplomatic cables made public by WikiLeaks, an international organization that publishes secret information.

One secret cable detailed how World War II-era rifles donated during the Cold War made their way illegally from a Guatemalan government warehouse to Century Arms in 2007 for $130 million.

An Israeli arms dealer and frequent middleman for Century Arms helped carry out the illegal transfer of American M-1 rifles, the cables said.

In 1987, John Rugg, a former police officer and longtime Century Arms employee, told a U.S. Senate committee that the company was involved in supplying arms, including rockets and grenades, to the Contras of Nicaragua during the 1980s-era Iran-Contra scandal.

In 2011, the Center for Public Integrity reported that Century Arms’ Romanian-manufactured WASR-10 “has become a favorite of the Mexican drug cartels and in recent years hundreds of them have been traced to crimes in Mexico.”

At least seven of the weapons used or discovered after the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris have been identified as being produced by a factory located in central Serbia. Most were manufactured before Yugoslavia broke up in a civil war in the 1990s, and most are modified versions of the Soviet AK-47, sometimes known as the Kalashnikov.

In fact, Century Arms has a history of buying arms from Eastern Europe. In 2004, Italian authorities temporarily halted shipment of 7,500 AK-47s from Romania to Century Arms. And the Center for Public Integrity reported that Century had extensive business dealings in Romania, even before the fall of the country’s communist dictator, Nikolai Ceausescu.

Century Arms sells to individuals or businesses with a federal firearms license, using its website to direct most retail traffic to a network of dealers.

Tom Cash, a former special agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administrations’ Florida and Caribbean operations, said that should make it possible for authorities to track down who bought the gun.

But the purchaser can be anybody, he said, because there are no restrictions on who can get such a license.

William Hartung, a policy analyst with the Center for International Policy in New York, agrees there’s no guarantee the gun won’t wind up in the wrong hands, even when purchased by a licensed buyer. “Sometimes, somebody with a legal right purchases it and then they sell it or they lose it,” he said. “There have been examples of that.”

Marc Adler, president of Allan Adler, a Boca Raton consulting firm that specializes in firearms, said taking a handgun out of the country involves reams of paperwork and approval by federal agencies.

“The export of firearms is very heavily regulated,” said Adler, who questions how the gun could have legally left the country. “The only way I think it can happen would be some type of illegal transfer.”

Brzakovic, the Serbian factory official, said all the guns linked to the Paris attacks were delivered legally, including the gun sold to Century Arms.

That gun is a derivative of the AK-47, a military-grade assault rifle. The gun was delivered as a semi-automatic, but it’s unknown if it had been altered to an automatic. The so-called “shortened Kalashnikov” is listed by U.S. arms dealers as selling for about $460 a piece.

The M92 pistol, said Brzakovic, “is a semi-automatic weapon, a hunting and sporting weapon … it cannot fire barrage fire, only single shots … which are legal in America.”

Of the other guns linked to the Paris attack, “One was delivered to Bosnia in 1983, one to Skopje, Macedonia, in December 1987, one to Golubici, near Knin (Croatia) in 1988, one to Zagreb (Croatia) 1987,” he told the AP.

Brzakovic said it would be wrong to accuse his company, Zastava, of selling weapons to terrorists.

“Here’s where the weapons ended, there’s the data. Zastava cannot be blamed for where it went afterward,” Brzakovic said.

But he, too, agreed that an illicit gun deal could have taken place even after arms were delivered legally.

“Wherever there are wars, there are bigger possibilities for abuse and to hide the channels for guns. They end up where they shouldn’t,” he said.

Staff writers Julius Whigham, Gurman Bhatia and researcher Melanie Mena contributed to this story.
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Post by outsider »

Kevin Barrett has a new book coming out very shortly:

'Another French False Flag?':
'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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