Use of banned toxic chemicals against Russians by Ukrainian armed forces

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Use of banned toxic chemicals against Russians by Ukrainian armed forces

Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

Intensification of Use of Toxic Chemicals by Ukrainian Armed Formations. 29 Feb 2024 ... y/1935642/

In relation to the subsequent insinuations of the Kiev regime, by the behest of the Western special services, that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation allegedly use riot control agents (RCAs) during the special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine, we would like to remind that as far as in October 2023, the most exhaustive records of continuous provocations organized by the Ukrainian militants using toxic chemicals and RCAs in order to blame Russian servicemen of such crimes and violation of Article I of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) were distributed in the OPCW as well as UN Security Council and General Assembly. These and other documents as well as links to the relevant video records are provided in short form on the official websites of the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation and Defence Ministry of the Russian Federation.

At the same time we are forced to state that the situation has not changed, and the use of toxic chemicals by the Ukrainian militants has assumed a systematic character. The Ukrainian armed formations continue to constantly employ various kinds of improvised munitions and grenades filled with toxic chemical substances as well as containers loaded with unknown chemicals against the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, primarily by throwing them off unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Ukrainian militant posing with the so-called Baba Yaga – an increased payload-capacity drone initially designed for crop treatment with chemicals

As early as in the beginning of the special military operation, in March 2022, on the premises of a military unit left by the Ukrainian armed forces, Russian servicemen found UAVs equipped with containers for liquid chemical compounds and dispensers, which were supposed to be used against the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and civilian population. The available data show that as far as in December 2021, the Ukrainian Motor-Sich JSC turned to a foreign UAV manufacturer in order to equip drones with aerosolizing systems.

Replies to the Motor Sich's request by the Turkish Baykar as related to its produced UAVs. There is a question in para 9: "Is the UAV equipped with a system/mechanism for spraying aerosols with a capacity of more than 20 litres?"

The Kiev regime uses a wide range of toxic chemicals against Russian servicemen and public officials – from fertilizers, pesticides, defoliants, aggressive detergents and paints and varnishes to bio-toxins and chemicals from the Schedules of the Annex on Chemicals of the CWC. The investigation of uses of toxic chemicals by the Ukrainian side is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Convention by means of field and fixed-site laboratories allowing to reliably identifying the type of a chemical compound and producer country. The in-depth examination is conducted in the chemical analytical laboratory of the 27th Scientific Centre of the Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defence Forces of Russian Ministry of Defence, which is an OPCW designated laboratory.

Teren 6 gas grenades discovered on the seized grounds of the Ukrainian armed forces in the People's Republic of Donetsk

The area around Avdeevka, the People's Republic of Donetsk, had the stockpiles of toxic chemical concentrated by the Ukrainian armed forces, including Ukrainian-made Teren-type chemical grenades being in the arsenal of the National Guard and special units and used by the neo-Nazis in the assaults of the Russian positions in the cities of Artemovsk and Mariupol. On the sites of the Ukrainian armed forces taken at the end of 2023 - beginning of 2024, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation discovered gas grenades among other captured armaments, including Teren 6. The Ukrainian captives testified that the assault units of the Ukrainian armed formations were equipped with such grenades in abundance.

Gas grenade "Teren-6"

Numerous cases have been recorded of the Ukrainian side using the irritating substance chloropicrin as a means of warfare, often mixed with chloroacetophenone, included in CWC Schedule 3. Thus, facts have been repeatedly recorded of the use of UAV-dropped ammunition containing toxic irritants identified, inter alia, as chloropicrin, chloroacetophenone and their mixtures, on the positions of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the area of Rabotino, Zaporozhye region.

While chloroacetophenone is classified as a riot control chemical, chloropicrin is included in Schedule 3 of the CWC Annex on Chemicals.

Numerous cases of Ukrainian military personnel using ammunition equipped with chloropicrin and dropped from UAVs have been recorded in the areas of Donetsk, Gorlovka, Kremennaya and Artemovsk.

Chloropicrin was first used by Ukrainian neo-Nazis during the siege of the Odessa Trade Unions House on 2 May 2014 against those who disagreed with the armed coup d'état staged with the support of the United States and its allies in Kiev in February of the same year. Chloropicrin decomposed to form phosgene with the heat impact of a fire started by neo-Nazis who threw Molotov cocktails at protesters, which led to numerous casualties. An investigation conducted by Russian law enforcement agencies in connection with this terrorist attack identified its perpetrators. However, it is not possible to achieve punishment for these persons, since they were eliminated by the Kiev regime's special services to conceal the circumstances of the tragedy in Odessa.

There have been cases of Ukrainian militants using an unknown substance which caused lacrimation, inflammation of the mucous membranes, vomiting, nausea, and headache among the affected Russian military personnel. A test of samples of biological materials taken from the servicemen revealed the traces of Schedule 3 hydrocyanic acid derivatives there.

At the end of 2023 – beginning of 2024, Ukrainian troops intensified the use of chemical munitions against Russian military personnel. Such cases have been recorded in the Donetsk People's Republic, in particular, in the area of the settlement of Kleshcheevka.

In December 2023, a UAV dropped US-made gas grenades loaded with CS substance on the positions of Russian troops in the area of Krasny Liman. This substance is irritating to the eyes and upper respiratory tract, and in high concentrations can cause skin burns, respiratory paralysis and cardiac arrest. The compound belongs to riot control chemicals.

In January 2024, an unknown toxic chemical was repeatedly used on Russian military positions, causing burns to the upper respiratory tract, nausea and vomiting. A research revealed the traces of a toxic substance anthraquinone, which has a pronounced toxic effect and causes blindness, impaired liver and kidney function. Anthraquinone is prohibited in the European Union due to its carcinogenic effects.

Thus, Ukraine, with the complicity of Western countries, does not confine itself to the use of non-lethal chemicals, actively using listed chemicals controlled under the CWC.

Attention had been drawn to the statement by Ukrainian Armed Forces members about the presence of similar compounds at their disposal, including analogues of the chemical warfare agent tabun (GA) listed in Schedule 1 of the CWC Annex on Chemicals, which was used by the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front of World War II.

During the SMO, about 20 cases were recorded of toxic chemicals used by the Kiev regime's special services to poison food products, which caused the death of at least 15 people. The facts of poisoning of officials of the administrations of new constituent entities of the Russian Federation have been confirmed. Tests revealed the presence of bio-toxins, in particular, ricin, listed in Schedule 1 of the CWC Annex on Chemicals, US-produced substance BZ, listed in Schedule 2 of the CWC Annex on Chemicals, and phenolic compounds.

A terrorist attack using analogue of BZ and its derivative included in Schedule 2 of the CWC, three citizens of Ukraine were detained. The chemicals were planned to be used in terrorist attacks against Russian military personnel, officials, political and public figures. The investigative authorities initiated a criminal case under Article 355 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Development, Production, Stockpiling, Acquisition or Sale of Weapons of Mass Destruction Prohibited Under a Treaty of the Russian Federation”, and Article 205 “Terrorist Attack”.

Ampoules with toxic chemicals found in the cache and seized during the detention of Ukrainian citizens

Plans for large-scale use of toxic substances are evidenced by Ukraine's requests for extensive supplies of antidotes, hundreds of thousands of gas masks and personal protective equipment. In 2023, NATO countries have already supplied Ukraine with personal protective equipment, antidotes for organophosphorus agents, and detoxification preparations for mustard gas, lewisite and hydrocyanic acid derivatives. There is a Ukrainian request to the military structures of the European Union for the supply of personal protective equipment, antidotes, tests, etc. in 2024.

Ukraine also receives assistance for "protective" purposes from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland and a number of other countries, both directly and through the OPCW Technical Secretariat.

The Technical Secretariat of the OPCW has also not stayed away from providing assistance. For example, with means from the OPCW budget and the trust fund, several courses on the investigation of chemical incidents were held specifically for Ukraine, and a special exercise was organized in neighbouring Slovakia on the handling of toxic substances and sampling under realistic conditions with the participation of Ukrainian experts.

Thus, it can be stated that Ukrainian armed formations are actively using scheduled chemicals, riot control agents and toxic chemicals not included in the CWC control lists, and are planning their further use. These illegal actions are carried out, including with a view to implement provocations against their own servicemen in order to accuse the Russian military of using means prohibited under the CWC, and are assisted financially and materially by the United States of America and its Euro-Atlantic allies, who are experienced in staged chemical provocations in Syria, as well as in falsified incidents involving the alleged "poisoning" of the Skripals and Navalny by Western intelligence agencies.

As for the allegedly extensive use of riot control agents by Russian military personnel, these allegations are false as well. When conducting intelligence operations, Special Forces often use smoke and phosphorous incendiary grenades from their arsenal.

The Russian Federation implements the CWC in good faith and is in strict compliance with this multilateral treaty. All declarations accusing our country of alleged use of RCAs are false, and evidences cited are fakes, carefully orchestrated with participation of Western special services.

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federati
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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