right your own or be my guest at emailing this to news organisations linked below.If you can get NUJ rates for this as Tony suggests ( lol ) great!
I have attempted to to word this in a way that is more favourable to main stream press , attempting to avoid it being dismissed as a 911truth CTnut plant and making it more of a "BBC are rubbish" story..
The BBC has a reputation as being one of the most trusted news outlets in the world. A BBC c*** up means ,unbelievabley, they have lost some of the recordings of the horrendous events of 911, the most horrific terrorist event of modern times. In particular recordings related to the sudden unexpected collapse of WTC7. If you search the web you find some are claiming BBC World preemptively announced WTC7s 6 second collapse a half an hour BEFORE it occurred.
In his blog on the BBC website Richard Porter Head of News, says
“We had several streams of news output running simultaneously on the day…… we have kept all the tapes from BBC News 24 and Radio Five Live, as well as all the BBC One bulletins. Obviously I wish we'd kept hold of the World tapes alongside all the others, but we didn't... and I don't know whether they were destroyed or mislaid.”
Now like most people you may take the view its of no importance. You may have decided that given the BBC's well-known ability to loose old episodes of sci-fi drama Doctor Who together with the fact that there is hours of 911 film from other news organisations signifies only a minor glitch in the archiving of 911.
You might be wrong. Independent sources have posted the original material on the internet. Why bother??? Because incredibly the BBC World coverage appears to show BBCWorld reported the collapse of WTC7 (The Salomon Brothers building) half an hour before it happened. The building suffered a catastrophic collapse that took all of 6 seconds yet the good old BBC transmitted foreknowledge of the event some 30 minutes previously!.
Those that have seen the footage claim they even broadcast a relevant location piece reporting that the Salomon brothers building had collapsed
even though the building appears to be pictured still standing behind BBC reporter Jane Standley. Ooops with capital letters. Indeed Porter himself says, “ with hindsight we now know that our live shot showed the building still standing in the background.” The 911 truth movement has been all over this, researching and verifying time zones to prove the BBC did seem to have uncanny forecasting powers. The BBC’s response remains vague, they seem intriguingly ambivalent about letting the outstanding questions remain undebated. A key point is that the BBC has not denounced the film as fake. Porter, Head of News, has provided the BBC’s only response, suggesting the BBC have “mislaid” the recordings. These recordings could have categorically shown this as an internet hoax but without these tapes the big question remains. Are the BBC fortunetellers or did someone give them a press release that forewarned The Salomon Brothers building would collapse? The official version is the building suffered an unexpected catastrophic 6 second collapse due to fire. So who told the BBC in advance of its actual collapse that The Salomon brothers building had already collapsed?
As one of the most trusted news outlets in the world the BBC has lost their own tapes. They surely have a responsibility to answer questions related to the coverage of 911. In the light of Porter’s response and the incredible apparent discrepancy in the fact that news was reported before it had happened, it is quite reasonable to doubt the BBC’s ability to be a credible news gatherer. News coverage has a vital role in shaping world events it cannot be left to those incapable of providing accurate information.
News Orgs
I'd suggest go for the big latin countries and english speaking student papers etc first. I'd also suggest emailing junior reporters because they will gossip about it and many will enjoy that the BBC screwed up. Anyone too high up knows the deal so leave them till later.
I can't do much more today I'll get busted for being on the PC too long (am at work!)